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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Ally Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:24 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote: Laughing Laughing Laughing

I have mixed feelings about Rose, in fact all of the RTD period of Who- it has some of the best and the worst moments. Very confusing.

As to feeling gutted when a Doctor 'dies' and is regenerated. You get used to it! My first was Pertwee, but I only vaguely remember those, Tom Baker was really my first Doctor and when he regenerated I was inconsolable!
Out of the reboot, I like Ecceleston, I think he's underrated, Tennant was brilliant but often let down (especially towards the end) by being written like a parody of himself. Smith is shaping up to my favourite since Tom Baker. Very Happy

That's true of Tennant. You might have seen it already, but Charlie Brooker does an excellent scene about Tenant's comedy scenes (ghostbusters and scooby doo etc) on Screenwipe that's excellent! I forgot about Ecceleston for a moment, but he was the first Doctor who I ever saw, and I remember thinking now that no one could replace him too! Though Matt Smith has had a few gimeky lines too, but I concede he is great! Very Happy

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Squach Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:16 pm

Matt Smith and David Tennant are my favourites. I couldn't choose between them but when i see more of Matt i might change my mind.
I always liked David Tennant because i thought he brought out a unique character in The Doctor; he would be stong and silent but i thought that at the end of his series i thought the charisma died out a bit when he didn't have a companion. He would sometimes be a bit predictable though. bounce
However, Matt Smith seems completely different; completely unpredictable, very smiley Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy and cheerful and he acts before he thinks. He seems to bring out a different edge that i don't think Tennant really had..
Shocked wow, this is my longest post ever!

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:22 pm

"Charlie Brooker does an excellent scene about Tenant's comedy scenes (ghostbusters and scooby doo etc) on Screenwipe"-Ally

That was brilliant. He nailed it, and that was early when the things he was complaining about were just beginning to creep in. By the end of Tennants run he become a caricature of his original performance. It was face pulling, daft 'hip' jokes. And when they did do serious- which Tennant was brilliant at, he's a great actor, they over played it. He was always a bit miserable towards the end.

"Matt Smith seems completely different; completely unpredictable, very smiley Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy and cheerful and he acts before he thinks."-Squatch

I think you've got that spot on Squach.
There's a nice story arc through the rebooted Doctors. Eccelstons was the Doctor who regenerated at the end of the Time War, he was a bit distant, quick to anger at times and in need of something, anything to take his mind off the Time War, he tried not to think about it, which Rose helped provide for him.
Tennant's Doctor was the Doctor who dealt with the consequence of the Time War. He was the Doctor who came to realise that barring a God he was the most powerful person in Creation. And there was no one left to stop him doing what he pleased. He was quite an angry Doctor at times, and even cold sometimes and ruthless. He needed Rose, then Donna just to remind him when enough was enough. Of all the Doctors Tennants was the most angst and guilt ridden by the Time War.
Matt Smiths Doctor seems to have got over the Time War, he has not forgotten, it still hurts, but he can move on. In Amy he has remembered why he ran in the first place, just like her, he was scared, unsure about the future or what to do, and he had a desire not to watch the universe as the Time lords did but to go into it, to see it, touch, be amazed by it in person. Smiths Doctor has found enjoyment again, he's remembered how to have fun- and dance.

"wow, this is my longest post ever!" -Squach

And I think this is my longest on this thread too!
Very Happy

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Kafria Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:30 pm

My favourtie bit of Matt Smiths incarnation is not actually him (although he is great!), but the fact that we have finally moved on from the Rose and Martha being in love with the doctor type companions and with both Rory and Amy you get a much broader and interesting dynamic. I I love you that Amy is NOT in I love you with the doctor!!!!

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Saradoc Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:37 pm

Though to be fair they are still going with the Rose "damsel in distress" theme with Amy, and the Mickey "total idiot fool" theme with Rory... Very Happy

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:48 pm

Yeah I totally agree with that Kafria. I never liked the Doctor having only one companion- that hardly ever happened in the old series, it was always at least 2 usually more. Sometimes it had the feel of a small family living in there-plenty room mind you. Very Happy
The thing I like best about the Smith era so far is having Moffat as Head Writer. For all the good work RTD did on re-imagining the whole thing and giving us it back I was sick to the death of Roses relatives popping up, aliens invading London every week- in fact London full stop.
I think Moffat was making a point about this in the opening to Eleventh Hour- Smiths first episode.
Pre-credits its the Tardis crashing, skimming over London, its bangs and explosions and stirring music. There's a corny bit where the Doctor just misses getting prodded in the privates by the spike on Big Ben as he hangs from the Tardis - its very RTD.
After the credits its a fairytale world. A moonlit rambling garden with a children's wind toy blowing in the breeze and a little girl saying her prayers before bed- and we are truly in the Moffat era. The difference between the two sections is quite stark. Its a complete change of shooting style and look.
It could be seen as a tribute, the opening, a farewell to RTD, but I tend to think it was more a two fingered salute.
At the end of the last series there was something similar, the phone rings, Doctor answers and its a request for help, an Egyptian Goddess is lose on the Orient Express, in Space. The next episode due was the xmas one. Was this a dig at the ludicrous RTD xmas episode with the space Titanic crashing onto London?
I think there may been a bit of creative tension behind the scenes- I for one am glad Moffat won.

Saradoc I see how you might get the idiot comparison with Mickey and Rory (but I think you are wrong!) but not the damsel in distress with Amy. In the first few episodes she provides the solution to the problem, not the Doctor. The only episode in which conceivably she is a damsel in distress that I can think of is the Angels one- where she is in distress, she's essentially blind. And even then its actually River who rescues her.
I would say Amy is far more independent than any other previous companion.
"Aw look, my boys, my poncho boys"- Amy to the Doctor and Rory after putting them in ponchos.

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Saradoc Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:01 pm

I admit I based that view on the Christmas Special, where she really as a damsel in distress! But there was that episode with the mine (where they are waving to each other at the start, and Rory seemingly dies at the end I think) where Amy gets swallowed by that hole. To be fair that, and the angels, are the only examples of this I can think off the top of my head, but I would say in my opion there are examples of independence and lone bravery, and a dependency on the Doctor, in all four of the "new" doctors's assistants! Very Happy

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:18 pm

Thats true, I think the major change is that unlike Rose or Martha she is not in love with Doctor, or harbour any desire to be. She seems to quite like the idea of having sex with him just to see but the relationship is not a romantic one. She loves Rory, her romantic leanings are all towards him, just maybe not so much her sexual leanings. Very Happy

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Gandalf's Beard Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:49 am

Hmmm...what shall I respond to first? confused

Let's start with Ally and Vinyl records. I love vinyl, I have a collection of several hundred or thereabouts. Even though I've duplicated a number on CD, I still can't bear to part with my records. There is something to be said for having liner notes and awesome album covers in full size. Not to mention that even with a few dust pops and crackles, you're getting 100% resolution of the sound. When everything moved to CD the "pixel" (I'm not certain what you call it when it's audio ) resolution dropped twenty to 30%, and I hear that with I-pods and all that, the resolution has dropped even lower. I can't really tell a whole lot of difference between CDs and Vinyl, but there definitely seems to be a discernible difference in the sound quality of digital music on I-pods.

OKAY! Onto the Dr's. Tom Baker is my favourite hands down...if anything, he has become the standard by which all other Dr's should be measured (like Connery is in the Bond series). Having said that, i also like Pertwee as I grew up with him too. Bunch of boring Dr's after Tom Baker. But I love the new series. I can't really choose a favourite of the new series. They're all brilliant. I think it's a 3 way tie between Eccleston, Tennant and Smith. I think they all channel Tom Baker in his various moods. Ecclleston captures Baker's moodiness, Tennant and Snith both really capture the intense Zaniness of Baker's Dr Who.

As to relationships, I've always thought the good Dr should have someone who was more than just a "companion." After all, he's a very lonely 900 year old dude. And given that Rose and Amy Pond are my fave "companions" Embarassed I wish he could have a love interest that would stick around for a while, and not get stuck in some alternate universe (I ttotally cried at that gut-wrenching scene).

As for Amy Pond, with all due respect to Rory, I think he's a bit of a doofus. I can't imagine a lady passing up a relationship with the Dr for a dork like Rory. It's obvious that Amy Pond has a "thing" for the Dr, and he for her...and it doesn't seem believable to me that she would stick with Borey Rory instead of ditching him for the Dr. But I might be biased because if I were Dr Who, I would definitely "follow my feelings" as it were, especially after losing Rose.

The good Dr needs someone who is more than a companion...and I'm sorry...but that woman (can't think of her name right now) who claimed she is apparently from a future in which she is married to the Dr, I really can't stand her. She is extremely annoying. I can't believe she is in any way a suitable match for Dr Who. Razz


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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:36 am

"but that woman (can't think of her name right now) who claimed she is apparently from a future in which she is married to the Dr, I really can't stand her. She is extremely annoying. I can't believe she is in any way a suitable match for Dr Who."- GB

River Song. You won't be happy then she is in the next series then. Last time she left she said the next time the Doctor met her was when 'everything changes' and we know she was in prison for murdering a 'good man', 'the best'.
I like the way Moffat has done it, only in Doctor Who could you have a relationship story unravelling backwards. We know how it ends but not how it began.
Is she his future wife or not? Who did she kill and was it the Doctor? When will they go for a 'picnic in Asgard'? Whoever she really is knowing Moffats writing it will not be straight forward. I for one am looking forward to finding out more about the mysterious River Song.

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Gandalf's Beard Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:43 am

Eeeegads!!! Mad I can't stand that woman! I hope this turns out to be a con job! Crying or Very sad


The very first Hobbit Films fanfiction on the Internet, formerly known as The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril when first posted waaaay back in 2009, revised and retitled as The Adventures of Bilbo and Tauriel

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:46 am

I don't think so she's in the trailer for the new series. Very Happy
I have faith in Moffats writing that he will do something surprising and original with her.

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Gandalf's Beard Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:52 am

Pettytyrant101 wrote:I don't think so she's in the trailer for the new series. Very Happy
I have faith in Moffats writing that he will do something surprising and original with her.

I don't care. I hate her. Evil or Very Mad


The very first Hobbit Films fanfiction on the Internet, formerly known as The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril when first posted waaaay back in 2009, revised and retitled as The Adventures of Bilbo and Tauriel

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"It is like a finger pointing at the moon. Pay no attention to the finger or you will miss all that heavenly Glory"--Bruce Lee

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Squach Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:21 am

I'm not too keen on river song either because she only showed up for the two episodes last series and whenever she is iin it she always does something weird and it only lasts one or two episodes. To me it's a bit confusing! Question

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Gandalf's Beard Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:40 am

Squach wrote:I'm not too keen on river song either because she only showed up for the two episodes last series and whenever she is iin it she always does something weird and it only lasts one or two episodes. To me it's a bit confusing! Question

I just don't like her because she's really annoying. And she seems "hard" too...just not my "type" I guess. Razz

Don't get me wrong, I like women that can kick ass and have brains. But I like people in general who project a soft side. It's one of the reasons I don't care for most actresses and models that most people think are beautiful. I like people that radiate inner "beauty" and aren't afraid of displaying a bit of vulnerability (like Rose and Amy Pond). They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Embarassed Very Happy


The very first Hobbit Films fanfiction on the Internet, formerly known as The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril when first posted waaaay back in 2009, revised and retitled as The Adventures of Bilbo and Tauriel

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"It is like a finger pointing at the moon. Pay no attention to the finger or you will miss all that heavenly Glory"--Bruce Lee

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:42 am

River and the Doctor. Its just a bit. 'timey-wimey' Squach.
The first time the Doctor met River in the library was the last time she met the Doctor.
Admittedly that sentence even makes my head spin a bit. Shocked

GB I think the bit with River and the Dalek showed she is certainly not the sort the Doctor would normally associate with.

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Squach Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:45 am

But didn't she steal that thing from the ship and use it to grab The Doctor's (David T) attention to help him for something?

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:48 am

Are you thinking of the box she wrote the message on? (Matt Smith as Doctor)

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Squach Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:49 am

No im sure i remember DT looking at an artefact in this church place and having to steal it because it had some writing on from River...

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Squach Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:50 am

I think it was maybe Martha that was with him. One of the companions anyway. But not Donna, and I think it was later than Rose

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:52 am

That I am pretty sure sounds like the first episode in the angels two parter (def Matt Smith). It begins with them in a museum looking at relics. And they find a black box recorder form a space ship, onto which someone has burnt a message in galifrean (the language of the Time Lords) the Doctor steals it and they run into the tardis.
I may be wrong but I think the library episodes are Tennants only River episodes.

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Squach Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:56 am

Oh, maybe.

I'm a bit tired so maybe that is what got me confused... Sleep Sleep Sleep

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:02 am

If it is that one she is one a ship long ago in the past compared to the Dcotor, who is in the Tardis. She puts the coordinates of where she is on the black box- the ship crashes and the black box is found. Centuries later it is in a museum- where the Doctor finds it- sees its a message for him and plugs into the Tardis it to see what happened on the ship it came from. He sees River on the security recording asking him to come and rescue her, and goes back in time just as she jumps out the ship and saves her.
See easy. Very Happy

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Squach Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:05 am

Yes that is what i mean!!! Thank you Petty! I was beginning to think i have gone round the bend...

Doctor Who - Page 2 Siggytry

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Doctor Who - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Who

Post by Squach Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:06 am

Got to go to school now Sleep
I will be back on at around 4 ish

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