The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Old Forum Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:29 pm

Mirabella Banks
Mr Tyrant,

I warn you. This better not be a trick of some sort!

Mirabella Banks
Acting Assistant Chief Sheriff
Hobbiton Office
The Shire

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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Old Forum Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:30 pm

Wise Odo
Mr Tyrant,

Primadonna Brandybuck and I have just left home and will be at your picnic before you know it.

Wise Odo

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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Old Forum Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:30 pm

Wise Odo
Dear Noom,

I may have to address a ticklish matter when I meet you at the picnic... err... and Primadonna ....((....stop it!... I'm trying to think, you sweet dram of sauce you..!... Little Snuggler!!!!.....!...Oh all right then...)).... Errrrm.... Dear Noom, [cough!] 'Primmy' also wishes to send her Greetings!

Wise Odo

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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Old Forum Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:30 pm

Odo Banks
Dear Mr Tyrant, Beardy Wizard, Lord Eldorion and Lady Tinuviel, and anyone else in the plot who I don't know about (or forgotten!) as I'm very much "Encryption Bewuthered" at the present time! :?

...I trust GB's "Spellls of Encryption" allow me to make this multiparciple missive!?!?...

I am indeed coming to the Picnic. How could I stay away after all? Things need to come to a head, I feel..... and I'm starving!

Odo Banks

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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Old Forum Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:31 pm

Noom Chevaline
Encrypted note for Wise Odo,

As you are now aware there are twelve camels in my train, all having two humps. Well appear to have two humps, two of them are only one hump, the other two have one real and a fake hump. There is room enough inside for to smuggle a Hobbit. So if you want to make a disapearing act you know where to hide. If I have to kidnap Primadonna, with her permission of course but without Jawsmashers, I can hide her as well. Or if you want us to kidnap Odo Banks we can smuggle him out.

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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Old Forum Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:31 pm

Dear Odo,
I hope this encryption spell is working. I implore you not to do anything rash, no matter how rumbly your tummy has become. Please hold off going to the picnic until GB and Lord Eldo are here, our plans are in flux. I am still stranded in Scotsdale wizard hunting, and I fear something is amiss here, I am beginning to suspect how bottles of Buckie are getting from here to the picnic! And I don't like it.
I am staying in touch by cheap palantir on my own thread, once I've booted this wizard good and proper in the posterior I will transport back to the party.

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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Old Forum Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:31 pm

Noom Chevaline
Primadonna, when everyone is distracted in searching for Odo Wise, would you like to come for a lonely stroll, just you and I and I will introduce you to Aristokili?

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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Old Forum Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:32 pm

Noom Chevaline
Dear Wise Odo, I have to confess that I want to take Primadonna off your hands, I want to elope with her and head back south. If you really need me here for your protection I will stay. I have a gift here for her father Jawsmasher, it cost me the price of 6 camels. I picked it up when passing by Mirkwood, I have a small cask of Entwater. Jawsmasher could be the biggest Hobbit in history. Do you think he could resist such a dowry? If it is not enough I could gift him with this curved Mithril dagger. That would be enough to buy more than half of the Shire.

She could always keep in touch from the south. I know that her good looks are beneath you as it would be too large a distraction from your channeling. I'm sure her heart will not be broken beyond repair.

Yours Enviously


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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Old Forum Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:32 pm

Odo Banks
Oh Mr Tyrant,

I'm already AT the Picnic! I just checked my messages on my Netospherotir (it's amazing what you can find digging hideout-holes!) Are you coming there? Everyone has swords, and no one is who they seem, or at least some think they know who they are, but I don't. You should come to the Picnic. Talk about a Mess - and I don't mean bacon bones or dropped salad!!!! Bring a "Tidy up" Spell, if you can! (Forget your mysterious wizard, I think that is merely a Wild Scot Chase!)

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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Orwell Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:07 pm

Dear Eldo and Petty. I chanced upon this thread --- indeed, an Encrypted Thread as oppposed to single encrypted posts! It was a time before I arrived -- back in the First Age before the Dark Planet business I presume and before I came here. So much has changed but -- well, so little has changed it seems! Laughing

I see things end suddenly - as usual! Shocked But I presume things got better - like the newt in Monty Python and the holy Grail. Wink

{{{Oh yes - where is the Woodhall Picnic (thread) pray tell? Perhaps things did continue on there when this thread abruptly ended? Razz }}}

{{{What fun was had! I miss GB and Noom. I'd forgotten Noom's humour. When he was himself he was fun. This thread has brought both joy and sadness! Sad }}}

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The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks - Page 4 Empty Re: The Curious Tale of a Missing Banks

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:48 pm

Blimey Orwell youve been digging- you get Biffo to help?

With spring fast approahing and summer on its heels soon be picnic time again. cheers

And Noom is the Baron in my book. Very Happy

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