Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Lancebloke Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:10 pm

Last one Figgy.

Dear Mrs Figg.

I like sombreros, they compliment my skin tone.

As soon as I done with kicking that BLACK family out of the WHITE house (my wife tells me that is an irony) I will be moving quickly forward with repealing NAFTA, opening a sombrero factory in Detroit and making those Mexicans buy them from us.

Only then will America be great again.

Thanks for your suggestion.

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by David H Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:41 pm

Eldorion wrote:
- Trump has said he will not put his business holdings into a blind trust but rather let his children run his company which will probably lead to a lot of moral and possibly legal issues.

Possibly legal issues? As an elected official he's not bound by the same rules of conflict of interest as civil service employees is he? Ethically it's a good idea for him to separate himself from the appearance of conflict of interest, but I don't think it's any more legally binding than the tradition of releasing tax returns, is it? (I'm asking here.)

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Orwell Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:41 pm

Can't help thinking about the possible connection between 'shy' voters and 'closet racist/sexist/reactionaries'. Brexit and now Trump show that a substantial number of people want change - yes, change back to 1950's values. Blacks in their right place. Latinos back in their right place. Christian freedom of religion (to a point), but no Untrue religions, especially Islam. A perception of Great Leaders that create good well paid jobs for the working classes and fair treatment of sub-contractors by big business (never true). Women in their right place (and any ones that are smart banned from talking or burnt at the stake - even if only metaphorically, I cite the circumstances and treatment of Hillary). White is Right. But, like the White Racists during Brexit, any too cowardly to say they are White Supremicists in front of their wife and daughters (or their wives and daughters knowing their place well enough to accept the satus quo) and only expressing their true opinions anonymously in the secrecy of the polling booth. A few years of 50's politics to come, with the rich screwing the poor, as has always been the way when America was Great and as always has been, though sometimes good governments control this a little, and with a dash of Trumpian peurility. The Right has always been peurile, but they had manners back in the 50's and kept it behind closed doors. And not unlike White 'shy' voters do regards their voting intentions, clearly disguising what they actually think, the cowards. Odo Banks, my good buddy, would, of course, be most pleased. Oh well...

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by halfwise Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:58 pm

Actually republicans and democrats did not really separate into right and left until the 1960s. They were mainly just political machines until then, with no ideologies. Strange but true.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Norc Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:58 pm

halfwise wrote:
Norc wrote:a majority of people said fuck it and didn't vote.

Voter turnout was up about 5%.   Still low: around 50%.  But you can't make the argument the election came out the way it did because more people than usual stayed home.  Just the opposite in fact.

nah true... i meant a lot, not majority ..

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Mrs Figg Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:57 pm

well whatever happens, it wont be boring. we may be nuked to cinders, but boring it wont be.
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by halfwise Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:59 pm

I was always very curious to found out what a Trump presidency would be like, and now I get to find out guilt-free.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Mrs Figg Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:51 pm

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by azriel Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:11 am


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish.”
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Mrs Figg Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:12 am

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by halfwise Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:23 am

Mick Jagger was even more of a skin and bones scarecrow than I realized.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Mrs Figg Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:35 am

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Orwell Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:05 am

1. Touch women on the pussy if you're famous. Then deny ever doing it. A discrepancy between his private and public utterances!
2. Call Mexicanos rapists.
3. Brag about how big your dick is.
4. Ask three times why nuking countries isn' something you'd do, presumably because you don't entertain the idea you might get nuked back by someone who you have mobilised against you, including very nervous Allies Trump doesn't seem to think he needs....
5. Dispose of wives when they get past a certain age.
6. Not pay tax and not admit it.
7. Pay workers in foreign countries minimal rates and want to pay the same rates in America (where people have to maintain houses if they have got them and don't have the whole extended family cramped into one bedroom).
8. Screw sub-contractors on a repeated basis.
9. Go bankrupt repeatedly while laughing because he made money out of it every time! (Who then were the losers?)
10. Revile the disabled.
11. Build a wall like it will make a difference; and get the Mexicans to build it. How?
12. State his daughter has a hot body. (He's right - but do Daddy's say those things while being pictured with his long legged daughter sitting on his knee and looking very sexually satisfied?)
13. Given a million bucks to get started and not realised that that is a rather rage Welfare Payment. And if he had failed? More millions to try again?
14. Man of privilege with no moral compass.
15. Crooked Hillary? Fuck me dead. She doesn't hold a candle to Trump...

I think I'll stop... what's the point... Character means nothing to Americans (apparently)... Sorry: the Me Generation does mean something, something peurile and greedy and egotistic and scary, and it's home is America....

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by David H Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:19 am

Michael Moore often says things better than I can:

From https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/nov/09/michael-moore-donald-trump-morning-after-to-do-list-facebook

[Michael Moore] adds that people must stop saying they are “stunned” and “shocked”, adding: “What you mean to say is that you were in a bubble and weren’t paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair.”

He added that Trump should have never been treated lightly and, echoing the sentiments of Stephen Colbert, said that the media was complicit in helping him rise. “He was never a joke. Treating him as one only strengthened him. He is both a creature and a creation of the media and the media will never own that.”

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Music of the Ainur Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:12 am

Hello to all of you.

First of all I feel a need to apologize to all the non americans here.
I truly am sorry and horrified and embarrassed for the elections foul fruit.

My home was not a happy place today. We're all in shock.

I have rarely felt any joy or hope  following an election.
This time however a dread grows in my belly.

I don't intend to be a drama queen by saying my intial surprise at the emerging results quickly transformed into horror with my fellow countrymen and  womens unbelievable choice to lead us.

The trump is an obvious con man who promises the moon and stars while disrespecting basically anyone or anything that dares to stand in his way or disagrees with him. Crude, rude, ugly little foolish childman.

It seems impossible that he could be the president-elect, the face of the USA.  I suspect there was some sort of cheating involved because I just can't grasp how we could've EVER have voluntarily chosen such a slimy slimy creature to lead us in these troubled and challenging times.

I know Hillary's hated by most everyone as well but come phucking on at least she is a known evil and not some unrestrained self aggrandizing spoiled child with no filter on his mean ignorant thoughts or deeds.

I am not mad about his victory. I am horrified and embarrassed. Shocked and afraid of this crass rude brat fool holding the fate of us all in his tiny little hands.

What unbelievable clueless assholes the majority of my countrymen are. My opinion of them was never lofty...but now it has fallen to a new low. It is deeply depressing to my wife and myself and to just about any decent person I know.

I apologize again and again to all the innocent victims of our bad judgement.

I wish each and all good joss and happy days.

Men have conceived not only of elves, but they have imagined gods and worshiped them... even those most deformed by their authors' own evil. But they have made false gods out of other materials; their notions, their banners, their monies; even their sciences and their social and economic theories have demanded human sacrifice.  — J.R.R. Tolkien from The Tolkien Reader
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by halfwise Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:29 am

I think the polls have shown that people didn't elect him because they liked him or his policies; they elected him because they thought any sort of change was better than the current ossified deadlock.

I'm desperately hoping the cure is not worse than the disease. Up until he was elected I would have said he was obviously worse than the disease, but now it's more rational to hope I was wrong.

His acceptance speech was presidential - the only time so far. Perhaps the weight of office will keep his impulses in check and we will all be pleasantly surprised.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Orwell Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:28 am

The ossifified deadlock was due to Republicans blocking most of what Obama tried to do. Now I hope they block all of the most repugnant things Trump tries to do. I am not totally against everything Republican, even though I would lean Democrat (liberal?) most of the time i think if I got to vote most likely. There are plenty of decent Republicans. This may be the time not to talk of their morals and decency, but to actually act, and curb Trump's egomaniacal excesses!

Muse, old son. What has me phucked is why vote for a genuinely thuggish and evil man just because there was a perceived need for change?  What? A change to genuine disgustness? I am no Christian but I have morals. He is no Christian but hints at times he might be, and still, he has no morals. Jesus spoke of hypocrites like him... except both the outside AND the inside of his cup is full of vileness and everything putrid. I hope White Christians who voted for him reap their proper harvest... Mind you, not being a Christian, I know their only  harvest is what cause and effect (chance?) will throw up at them..... damn... I wish I was a Christian now. Then what I say might really hurt.

Not your fault btw, Muse. Clearly there are Americans who aren't reactionary morons, you know, Homo Boobiensis.* All the Americans in Forumshire State are goodly Americans!

* H.L. Mencken knew!

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Orwell Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:44 am

I thought I might like to say, mainly because it occurs to me just now, that in Australia the Republucans and the Democrats would be in one party. We have a Liberal-National Party coalition. The Liberals are made up of Right Wing (Republicans) and Small L Liberals. Also, the Nationals are our old Country Party (rural folk, sort of). Our Labour Party is made up of Liberal-Socialists, Socialists and Communists. Yes, there is a difference.

Anyway... back to crying about what's happening to the America I was once fond of....

‘The streets of Forumshire must be Dominated!’
Quoted from the Needleholeburg Address of Moderator General, Upholder of Values, Hobbit at the top of Town, Orwell, while glittering like gold.
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Eldorion Thu Nov 10, 2016 5:16 am

Yeah, the US Democratic Party (especially since the 1990s) would be considered center-right in many Western countries.
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by azriel Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:10 am

Orwell wrote:1. Touch women on the pussy if you're famous. Then deny ever doing it. A discrepancy between his private and public utterances!
2. Call Mexicanos rapists.
3. Brag about how big your dick is.
4. Ask three times why nuking countries isn' something you'd do, presumably because you don't entertain the idea you might get nuked back by someone who you have mobilised against you, including very nervous Allies Trump doesn't seem to think he needs....  
5. Dispose of wives when they get past a certain age.
6. Not pay tax and not admit it.
7. Pay workers in foreign countries minimal rates and want to pay the same rates in America (where people have to maintain houses if they have got them and don't have the whole extended family cramped into one bedroom).
8. Screw sub-contractors on a repeated basis.
9. Go bankrupt repeatedly while laughing because he made money out of it every time! (Who then were the losers?)
10. Revile the disabled.
11. Build a wall like it will make a difference; and get the Mexicans to build it. How?
12. State his daughter has a hot body. (He's right - but do Daddy's say those things while being pictured with his long legged daughter sitting on his knee and looking very sexually satisfied?)
13. Given a million bucks to get started and not realised that that is a rather rage Welfare Payment. And if he had failed? More millions to try again?
14. Man of privilege with no moral compass.
15. Crooked Hillary? Fuck me dead. She doesn't hold a candle to Trump...

I think I'll stop... what's the point... Character means nothing to Americans (apparently)... Sorry: the Me Generation does mean something, something peurile and greedy and egotistic and scary, and it's home is America....

Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Rumsfield1_zpswzckmq0f

Go Orwell !

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by azriel Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:20 am

"MOTA" I feel gutted for the 1000's of decent lovely people, just like yourself, that woke up knowing "this" is their lot. A smug, self satisfying, ball scratching buffoon has quite easily tapped into a common idea & practically hypnotized the whole of America with some sort of evil faery glamour & is now choking on his own laughter whilst counting the inevitable dollars this will accrue him. I shake my head at how such a person came to be. He certainly jackbooted on the heads of decent people to get to where he is now. And, no doubt, a film will be made charting his "rags to riches" fame, scheesh. Certainly makes me feel that the old adage...." the worse you are the better you get on"..is an expression that will never die Neutral  You have nothing to apologise for but, I bet the ones who voted will, in the not so far future ?

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish.”
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Orwell Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:37 am

Some things are tolerable, but smuggling budgies id surely a crime against humanity. I mean, budgies are not even Mexican....

‘The streets of Forumshire must be Dominated!’
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Orwell Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:51 am

"The worse you are the better you get on..." So often so true. And H.L. Mencken was right, even if I have already said it on this thread. Too much of Homo sapiens falls into the Homo boobiensis category....  With Brexit and Trump, I have got angry about politics for the first time in many years....

Also, the reactionary quietly-insidious anti-feminine forces has grown strong too. First Julia Gillard was destroyed, bit by bit, day by day... and so has Hillary. Why she is hated and has always been hated and Trump is not just stupefies me! Perfect, no, but anything like Trump in any material way morally...??? The American media and half its people should be sued for years of libel and slander. Disgusting.

Oh yeah... The women's movement needs to haul itself up and start again. Presumably start with educating a lot of traitorous women in the USA.  If half your own sex don't want fair treatment or to be an independent individual standing on your own feet, and like a good fifties wife still believe you should be bearing kids and cooking dinner like God ordained in the Garden of Eden, then you need to be educated and given a spine along with it. The women's movement that informed much of my youth has lost its anger and its drive. Sad. White middle aged men have always been the enemies of women like Hillary. The women's movement that let them get away with what they did to Hillary - well, I know who i'm angriest at.

‘The streets of Forumshire must be Dominated!’
Quoted from the Needleholeburg Address of Moderator General, Upholder of Values, Hobbit at the top of Town, Orwell, while glittering like gold.
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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:55 pm

{{ I am trying to find some sort of silver lining in all this- Brexit too- and as such I am hoping that what we are seeing is something which is not overdue- the poor working class, of all ethnicity saying 'enough, we are getting shafted in this whilst the richer keep getting richer, we are working more and for longer and for less every year- something has to change' and that is what inspired this vote rather than any actual policies Trump has put forward- and if that he actually tries to do some of the things he has claimed he would- like deporting hundreds of thousands of Mexicans (presumably many by force as I dont see how else you get them to do it)- would in fact not get past the protests of the majority of the American people. I hope. }}

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Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus - Page 9 Empty Re: Election Night 2016: The Passion of Cheeto Jesus

Post by Mrs Figg Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:53 pm

this is the Arab Spring of the Western world, first brexit now this. if you look at history most popular revolutions begin with the revolt of the populace or sans culottes, in the 18th century they revolted for bread, in the 21st century its jobs, the initial euphoria quickly turns into bloody Terror beheadings and then moves on to dictatorship and oppression. the ordinary pleb is forgotten and even more under the thumb than before, or made to fight wars on foreign fields. If the plebs are stirred up by racism and sexism then you can end up with society turning back to the dark ages. but its a never ending cycle. in the 1900s they thought Marxism was going to deliver Utopia and they got Stalinism instead. the French got Napoleon, etc etc..

(((((cant mention Mussolini because it breaks some phucking Godwins Law)))))) Rolling Eyes
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