Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Lorient Avandi Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:16 am

CC12 35 wrote:battlefront :HEART:
Forever and always. Still waiting for the third. Sad

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Eldorion Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:16 am

Not trying to get into an argument about the movies vs. EU again, but I never thought while watching the original trilogy that Obi-Wan was only 50-60 years old, which is what he ends up being if you do the math from the prequels. *shrug*

Also, I had many, many hours of enjoyment playing the Clone Wars video game and Battlefront II. Great stuff.
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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:22 am

For me the prequels threw out something which meant a lot to me.

To anyone who knows the books of Carlos Casteneda its quite obvious almost everything said about the Force in that is from Don Juan, especially in Empire where Yoda all but quotes him- this gave for me, even long before I encountered Castenedas work, a mystical genuine quality to it that set it above the average space action thing like Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon ect- without that aspect to it the prequels are just a lot of eye candy to me with no real heart or message to them any more. Mad

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Lorient Avandi Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:49 am

I don't see how adding Midichlorians makes it so there's no message anymore. But again, the Force is not what makes me like Star Wars. I like the Universe as a whole and the many different stories told in it, not solely those of Jedi. I can see your problem Petty, since you saw the originals first in theaters and you see Star Wars much differently than I do. The mysticism of the Force was such a key factor in the originals

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:20 am

I don't see how adding Midichlorians makes it so there's no message anymore.- Lorient

It turns something ineffable and mysterious into something quantifiable and measurable and which you can take a reading of with a gadget Apple probably sell. Mad

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Lorient Avandi Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:31 am

The way SW works though there really had to be an explanation if they were going to do prequels. Obi Wan said he had been a member of the Jedi Order, and it is implied that you have to able to use the force to be a Jedi. Without the Midichlorians, how could one know they could use the force, Luke obviously had no idea he could. Could anyone use the force? Obviously not otherwise the Emperor would have countless Non-Vader followers, (The Only 2 Rule came out with the Prequels). The idea of a Jedi Order is quite impossible to comprehend without having a way to know if someone could use the force. With the decision to make the prequels they had to come up with an explanation for the force.

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:43 am

Not all- you could have a Jedi council in the same way you have a WC- you dont need to explain anything.
Yoda says the force flows through all living things- so yes, anyone can learn to use it, but some people have more of a natural predilection than others- no more needs be said.

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Lorient Avandi Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:50 am

Jedi council maybe, but hundreds of Jedi without explanation, far fetched. Again, if anyone could use it, how are there not tons of people randomly sending things flying around (explanations for this came in later novels as well), and why does Palps not have an army of dark side force wielders?

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Eldorion Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:31 pm

It looks like your dreams may come true Petty. It sounds like Abrams will only be producing ST3, rather than directing again. Also, SW7 might be pushed back further from 2015.

Before you start celebrating though, consider the possibility that Abrams collaborator Damon Lindelof, who shares responsibility with Ridley Scott for the massive trainwreck that was Prometheus, could become the new ST director. affraid
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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by CC12 35 Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:33 pm

i thought Prometheus was good

it's not that serious Caroline
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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Eldorion Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:34 pm

He also wrote Lost lol
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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Lorient Avandi Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:35 pm

Well hopefully they all turn out well. I don't have high hopes for SW though

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Eldorion Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:37 pm

Yeah, I'm in the same boat, Lorient. At least this way if it does somehow turn out good I'll be pleasantly surprised instead of crushingly disappointed if it's bad. Razz
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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by CC12 35 Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:38 pm

Loved Lost too

it's not that serious Caroline
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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:39 pm

I watched Prometheus back again recently and found it much better second time through and perhaps more to it than I first gave it credit for- having said that i thought most of the characters were bland and two dimensional and I still dislike how everything looks way in advance of the tech seen in previous alien films supposedly set later than this one.
Ash and Bishop dont even seem to be as sophisticated an android and the ship looks like it belongs in Abrams ST rather than alongside the metal corridors and pipes of Aliens ships.

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Lorient Avandi Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:41 pm

Eldorion wrote:Yeah, I'm in the same boat, Lorient. At least this way if it does somehow turn out good I'll be pleasantly surprised instead of crushingly disappointed if it's bad. Razz

Yea, going in with low expectations gives more room for a better experience.

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:42 pm

Its never helped me with Pj's attempts at Tolkien. Mad

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Lorient Avandi Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:44 pm

You're a special case Petty..

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:47 pm

Dont blame me Lorient its PJ's fault- no matter how low I make my expectations before going in he manages to go lower. Mad

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Eldorion Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:48 pm

CC12 35 wrote:Loved Lost too

You would wouldn't you
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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Eldorion Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:49 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:I watched Prometheus back again recently and found it much better second time through and perhaps more to it than I first gave it credit for- having said that i thought most of the characters were bland and two dimensional and I still dislike how everything looks way in advance of the tech seen in previous alien films supposedly set later than this one.
Ash and Bishop dont even seem to be as sophisticated an android and the ship looks like it belongs in Abrams ST rather than alongside the metal corridors and pipes of Aliens ships.

I hated pretty much all of the characters. Space Jesus didn't help matters either.

More to the point I felt like the movie couldn't decide if it wanted to be a horror movie IN SPACE or a philosophical movie about the origins of humanity. Ultimately it tried to be both and failed to be either. Lindelof's trademark "ask lots of questions and answer NOTHING" style of writing compounded the other flaws IMO.
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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Eldorion Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:51 pm

Apparently Lucasfilm/Disney have decided to bail on the idea of re-releasing the next five Star Wars movies in 3D. I went to see The Phantom Menace in 3D just because it was SW in a theatre but it underperformed expectations. More interesting, Lucasfilm apparently wants to "reboot the franchise" with the new trilogy. I'm not sure if this means a literal reboot or if they just want to win back fans' trust after the prequel debacle.
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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Eldorion Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:13 pm

Just to show me why I shouldn't trust Deadline (I shouldn't have needed the reminder Razz), Lucasfilm is now saying that they are delaying the 3D re-releases, not cancelling them.
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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Lorient Avandi Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:59 am

Thank goodness! You had me worried Eldo, I really wanted to see all of them in theaters!

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Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm - Page 6 Empty Re: Star Wars Episode VII will be made now that Disney bought Lucasfilm

Post by Eldorion Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:15 am

Yeah, that's the main reason why I went to see TPM in theatres. By the time I was aware of enough of movies to know that a Star Wars film was in theatres it was Revenge of the Sith, and because that was rated PG-13 I wasn't allowed to see it. :/ So the first time I saw a Star Wars movie on the big screen was just last year. I was pretty excited despite not being a big prequel fan. Laughing

I'm looking forward to seeing the original trilogy on the big screen, even if it is the Special Editions and they are in 3D. Razz
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