Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Lancebloke Wed May 30, 2012 11:19 am

Mr P Tyrant gave me the idea when he mentioned a film on another thread that instantly filled me with murderous rage about a character.

Idea of this is to provide the name or names of both your all time favourite character(s) and also your all time most hated.

Probably would be good to put an explanation of your decision to accompany as you will probably only be asked anyway.

I will accept nominations from Films, TV, Games or Books. As that is quite diverese, it may also help to let people know something very brief about where they come from as they may never have read/seen/played it.

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Lancebloke Wed May 30, 2012 12:02 pm

Ok, my entries.

Starting with most hated:

1. I don't think this needs an explanation as I think the character is widely despised. The director stated it was added in purely to appeal to children and therefore displays traits that just make you want to get a very big plank of wood with a very big nail in and only stop swinging when your arms fall off. Number 1 for me is Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars episodes 1-3.

2. This character is one that is actually played quite well by its actor. For anyone that has seen the film 'Saving Private Ryan' the character is Corporal Upham. He is drafted in to the squad as a translator and is initially depicted as a little wet behind the ears. The point at which I want the character to get hurt is during the final battle sequence where he is required to collect ammo and return to a heavy machine gun post so that they can hold the town from the german attack. As he returns, he sees some German soldiers enter the building where his friends are fighting. After some time, he attempts to go and help, however breaks down on the stairs only you witness a german soldier coming out of the room having (quite painfully) killing they people he could have helped save.

While I have no idea what war does to people, or even how I would react in the situation, it still makes me very angry when I watch it. For that reason, Cpl. Upham is on my list!

Going to leave those 2 as they are clear at the top, although there are others than get up my nose!

Favourite characters:

1. Anyone on the games thread will know that I love the Playstation game Final Fantasy VII. One reason is because if the characters in the story. Although the 'good' team have their fair share of these, my favourite is the villain named Sephiroth. In my opinion, he is the quintessential baddie. His backstory is very well built out depicting him as a war hero and well known throughout the world. You also get the chance to fight alongside him in a flashback scene where he is immensly strong in comparison to you. I think the pivotal part in setting his character up is when you escape from prison to find a trail of blood leading to the president of the Shinra Co (basically they control the world after the last war) murdered with Sephiroth's sword still in his back. The rest of the game is then spent chasing him where at one point he very calmly kills one of the main characters in your team.

I could go on (including one of the most well known cut scenes following him burning down a village and walking off through the flames), however I think that is long enough. Although an old game that lacks any kind of voice (all done via text boxes), if anyone gets the chance then I would highly recommend this game!

Post has got long now. I will add some to my faves later on!
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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Mrs Figg Wed May 30, 2012 1:47 pm

Ooh good thread Lance.
I agree, Jar Jar needs a slap.
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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed May 30, 2012 1:56 pm

Two of my favourite Characters in films are (luckily for watching convience) in the same film.
They are Lord Summerisle (Chrsitopher Lee) and Sergeant Howie (Edward Woodward) from The Wickerman.
Lord Summerisle is not really in the film that much - he has three major scenes- but Chris Lee absolutely nails the part in those scenes (I was going to say he steals those scenes but that would be a disservice to Mr Woodward who matches Lees' excellent perfomance with one of his own in the scenes they play together).
What do I like about Lord Summerisle- I think it's the mix of knowledge, insight and completely bonkers. Thats what makes him frightening- he is entirely reasonable, amiable, civilised, polite and intelligent-he just happens to be also completely mad.

Howie I like for completely different reasons. He is religous, very religous. A devout catholic and his religon is both a shield in the film and, although Howie never sees it, a source of resistence and arrogance almost. But the interesting thing about his religion is depending on your view point you can see it as a good and honourable thing or a bad and arrogant thing. That decsion is not imposed by the film maker, views on religion are expressed by all the main charcaters but the film itself remains open on how you want to take those themes as a viewer- few films offer this freedom of thought in the viewer.
Howie is also simply superbly played. Edward Woodward is English. The Scottish accent is not the easiest to mimic in the world (almost every actor gets it wrong or it lacks constistency) and he nails it, rgiht down to it being identifibly a west coast accent. I have a west coast accent and I had seen ths film several times before I even found out Woodward wasnt Scottish- thats how good it is. But its not just the verbal skills- its in the deliverly. Its in the way Howie holds himself, how he speaks to people. He is a policemean and carries that authority of beng a man of the law, of being on the side of justice further backed up by his strong religous and moral standpoints.
Here is a scene where Howie, in his search for a missing child goes to the local school to check the register and speak to the pupils- just watch Woodward carefully, how conveys astonishment, horror, disbelief and moral outrage- all contained within his straitlaced persona but there in his posture and inflections- I also love the subtle way he stands at the teachers desk, like a minister preaching from the pulpit-and all whilst maintaining an immaculate accent!


edit add- Could not resist adding this as its a scene they are both in.


Last edited by Pettytyrant101 on Wed May 30, 2012 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Mrs Figg Wed May 30, 2012 3:24 pm

ok I will do books first.
1. The little girl from The Secret Garden., Mary lennox, she has always been one of my favourites. It could have been me in that book. A isolated oversensitive lonely child who becomes withdrawn and grumpy with all who surround her. It is her love of nature and gardens that make her blossom into a thoughtful and happier soul.
2. Faramir. I dont need to explain why. A secondary character that resonates and is hard to forget.
3. Hermione Grainger, grumpy bossy boots who loves books and cats, loyal friend unto death.
4. Sally Lockhart from Philip Pullmans series of steampunk books starting with Ruby in the Smoke, great feisty heroine.
5. Agatha Raisin, grumpy, (I see a pattern arising here Shocked ) amateur detective with female issues, and good shoes.
6. Richard Mayhew from Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, ordinary guy from small Scottish village that has a big adventure. genius.

Most Disliked.
1. That plonker from Captain Corellis Mandolin. I finished the book and threw it through the window in frustration and anger.
2. Fanny Price from Mansfield Park, what a priggish missy wimp.
3. Mrs Reed and her foul children in Jane Eyre, poor little Jane at the hands of such monsters.

Last edited by Mrs Figg on Thu May 31, 2012 4:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Mrs Figg Wed May 30, 2012 7:17 pm

ok film and tv.
Most liked.
1. Michael Caine as Harry Palmer/Carter
2. Robert Powell as Jesus of Nazareth, those eyes haunt me still, it breaks my heart to see him in Holby City.
3. Glenda Jackson as Elizabeth 1, nobody has done it better in my opinion, even Dame Helen. She would have eaten Cate Blanchett for breakfast.
4. John Thaw as Morse grumpy git par excellance, my kind of guy.
5. Tilda Swinton as Orlando.
6. Spock and Captain Kirk
7. V

Most disliked.
1. Star Wars after the first ones with Harrison Ford in the 70s. The new ones are boring crap and irritating and Jar Jar Binks the most irritating of all.
2. Natalie Portman as Evey Hammond in V. She was crap as Evey, and the sad thing is she even had her head shaved thinking what a good job she was doing.
3. Jack Sparrow, tedious and unfunny in the extreme.
4. Columbo, the most irritating git on tv, in my opinion natch.

Last edited by Mrs Figg on Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:55 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by David H Wed May 30, 2012 7:33 pm

I try not to have favorites anymore, but reaching back into my formative years:

Clint Eastwood's stranger in Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good the Bad and the Ugly

David Carradine's Caine in Kung Fu (TV)

Spock. Not Nemoy so much. Just Spock.

There are too many great performances to name, but I remember once watching a small movie called 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape' and thinking "Either this Leonardo kid is really handicapped or he can really act!"
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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Ally Wed May 30, 2012 8:11 pm

Haven't got home internet at the mo (been nagging my sister for days to get it fixed, I don't have much on Rolling Eyes )

So this will be short for now. But the words of Socucius Ergalla I don't think I'll ever forget as I started and restarted so many characters on Morrowind! I have many favourite npcs too but it would take nearly as long as the Lotr:EE credits for me to type out on this phone Very Happy


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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Lancebloke Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:15 am

Mrs Figg - made me chuckle that you actually went and edited your post to include Columbo!

I have added skids and mudflap to my list of hated ones actually. If anyone has seen the second Michael Bay disaster of a transformers film (2nd one). They only make me less angry than Jar Jar as they are in one film versus Jar Jars 3 films!!!!!!

To add to my faves list - Private Hudson from Aliens. Spouts lots of great lines and goes through the 'talks the talk, nervous breakdown, walks the walk' cycle that is generic to a lot of action films, however I think that is done very well here. Aliens is one of my favourite films too, so that helps.

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Norc Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:42 pm

Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters 314382-snusmumrik3_large

this is and will always be my favourite movie/book character of all time.

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:52 pm

Whose that then Norc? scratch
I'm suprised its not Sherlock!

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by David H Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:06 pm

Is this right, Norc?
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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Norc Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:24 pm

David H wrote:Is this right, Norc?

yepp, that's the one ^^

Tove Jansson's Snufkin or Snusmumrikken or Mumrikk Smile
(btw, the japanese intro is so much better, I have no idea why Norway and aksggskfengland/america chose that retard melody)

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Lorient Avandi Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:11 am

I thought this might be a good fun thread to resurrect!
One of my favorite characters in anything would be Fi Skirata in the Star Wars Republic Commando novels, as well as several others from those novels.

A least favorite would have to be Radagast in the Hobbit films. He is not my least favorite, but he's close to the bottom

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Lancebloke Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:37 pm

Been watching Space: Above and Beyond again recently (my fave ever TV series) and Colonel T C McQueen is one of my faves.

Has an awesome moment in the episdoe 'The Angriest Angel' when he gets in one of the fighters (he had been grounded since the second episode) and proved the he is still the best pilot in the fleet!!

If anyone has never seen the series before the I recommend giving it a go while bearing in mind it was early 90's (cameo from a young David Duchovny on one episode). Unfortunately, it got cancelled after the first series which makes me both angry and sad when I watch the last episode!!!
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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by chris63 Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:13 pm

Hated the child catcher in Chitty chitty bang bang.

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by chris63 Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:23 pm

This scared the hell out of me as a child.

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by azriel Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:57 pm

yeah, he was a great baddie ! very sinister ! he frightened more people than any other baddie I know of. & thats without CGI, green screen etc, ( PJ take note!) Suspect

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Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters Empty Re: Favourite all time characters vs all time worst characters

Post by Lorient Avandi Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:43 pm

He was definitely a creepy one

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