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Favorite Parts Empty Favorite Parts

Post by Lorient Avandi Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:52 pm

Here you can post sequences you think are amazing or funny about the books or movies.
I've thought the scene in the ROTK film where the Gondor soldiers have rushed down to defend the main gate is hilarious. Most people don't really care, even when they catch the dialogue.
This is the part
Gandalf: "you are soldiers of Gondor. No matter what comes through that gate, you will stand your ground!"
*gate bursts open and trolls charge through*
Unknown Gondor soldier cries, "Run!"

I don't know why I like it, but I do. Not 2 seconds after gandalf orders them to stand their ground,the guy freaks out and tells everyone to run.

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:56 pm

Theres bit in the film of RotK that is edited so badly i assume its meant to be a joke. Its right before the Rohirrim, having done their charge spot the Mumakil. Eomer cries out "To the River" and they start to move off and Theoden cries out "Defend the city" And theres a sort of comedy halt. So bad it gets me chuckling every time.

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Lorient Avandi Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:16 pm

I thought theoden said "make-save the city."
As for actual serious parts, I really like Boromir's final stand, the charge on the mumakil, the suicide attempt to retake Osgiliath, and the TT warg rider charge
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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:27 pm

You are right "make safe the city" is the line. But its the comedy halt gets me.
I'll give you Bormoir's death but the Mumakil and the wargs? The former is excting cinema I will grant that but completely contary to use of the Mumakil in the book in which the horses of the Rohirriim won't even go anywhere near them let alone charge them. And the wargs bit is awful, they look wrong,like some sort of twisted hyena or something, its messily shot, its a rubbish death for Hama given the heroic one he gets in the book (and honorable mention by Theoden before Orthanc) and its completely contrived in order to seperate Aragorn off for a bit of vison time with Arwen- just terrible in every conceivable way. Just no! Surely not?

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Lorient Avandi Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:36 pm

I mean when the horses and the wargs charge eachother. I don't really care for the wargs themselves. The Rohirrim do actually charge the mumakil in the book, eomer orders them to after he finds out theoden is dead and he thinks eowyn is dead. I just think it's a really cool shot.
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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Eldorion Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:38 pm

Despite being a more or less pointless addition, I did actually like the Warg battle from an action standpoint ... until they had the Wargs start massacring the Rohirrim. Only a few Rohirrim were shown killing Wargs in between the endless shots of Riders being eaten, horses being eaten, etc.; and when any of them got a shot back it seemed like PJ felt obligated to immediately show that same person being eaten by a Warg. It's as if PJ worried people would say the good guys were invincible, so he decided to make them complete failures. Only the heroes were able to have consistent success, but that's not enough to explain the Rohan victory. And don't get me started on the "comedy" of Gimli's predicament. Rolling Eyes

As for parts that I did like, I have to agree with Boromir's death. That was one of the most emotional moments of the trilogy for me. I also thought that the suicide charge was well-done in the context of the films' characterization, though I dislike the changes made to Denethor. I also really liked the flight from the Shire in Fellowship; I thought it was one of the tensest and eeriest parts of the trilogy and have always enjoyed it. I'm not sure I'd say it's my favorite part anymore (Rohan as a whole is pretty damn good IMO) but it's still excellent. Very Happy
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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Lorient Avandi Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:44 pm

I don't know where you got this "comical pause" there is a pause after he says that but only because the Rohirrim catch sight of the mumakil. They are shocked. But that's ok I'll leave it to your interpretation. I actually went and watched that part after you said it.
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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Lorient Avandi Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:46 pm

All I really like about the warg battle is the charge and initial clash. After that I don't really care.
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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Lorient Avandi Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:48 pm

I also like when the rohirrim first charge the orcs at the beginning of the battle fir pelennor fields, ibcluding theoden's speach. I just really like the horse sequences, except the one at the end of helms deep.
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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Eldorion Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:49 pm

Lorient Avandi wrote:All I really like about the warg battle is the charge and initial clash. After that I don't really care.

Those parts were both very cool. Cool

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Lorient Avandi Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:58 pm

Lorient Avandi
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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:03 am

Happy 100th Lorient! Very Happy

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Saradoc Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:48 am

Good thing I don't have a dirty mind... Rolling Eyes


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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Tinuviel Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:03 am

I love the part when they get the gifts in Lothlorien, and then when they leave. Basically, everything that was added in the EE for that part. The only bit that bugs me is that Boromir isn't even mentioned in that part. I like all the parts with Bilbo, and all the comedic Gimli and Legolas stuff. It does irk me that their characters were stripped down, but at least the bit with Gimli loving Galadriel is in there!!!

And I'm a sucker for Legolas stunts Embarassed But HATE his lines!!!

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:29 am

"The Rohirrim do actually charge the mumakil in the book, eomer orders them to after he finds out theoden is dead and he thinks eowyn is dead."- Lorient

"Not to soon came their aid to the Rohirrim; for the fortune had turned against Eomer, and his fury had betrayed him. The great wrath of his onset had utterly overthrown the front of his enemies, and great wedges of his Riders had passed clear through the ranks of the Southrons, discomforting their horsemen and riding their footmen to ruin. But wherever the mumakil came there the horses would not go, but blenched and swerved away; and the great monsters were unfought, and stood like towers of defence, and the Haradrim rallied about them."

Seems pretty clear to me, no charge, no attack on the mumakil.

The only recorded attack I can find in the book on the mumakil is ;

"...and both Duilin of Morthond and his brother were trampled to death when they assailed the mumakil, leading their bowmen close to shoot at the eyes of the monsters."

An attack carried out on foot not on horseback.

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by janesmith Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:04 am

Saradoc wrote:Good thing I don't have a dirty mind... Rolling Eyes


I certainly hope not! Shocked I mustn't have one either, for I have no idea what you mean, dear Saradoc!:-Jane

Happy One Hundredth, Lorient! cheers
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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by chris63 Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:50 am

At the end when Frodo tells the Hobbits he is leaving, i cried when i first read the book
I even cried when i saw the film. I skip that bit of the film now because it always brings tears to my eyes.
Does any one else or am i a big softy ?
My wife Dawn cries when Boromir dies.

I used to think Frodo had died , but now think he lived happily ever after with Sam, Gimly, legolas and
the others in Valinor (i think)

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:05 am

Sadly I dont think he did Chris. Although will need a Lore check on this I believe Frodo and the other mortals only got to go as far as dwelling within sight of the Shores of Valinor and only for so long as it took to 'heal' them from the effects of the Ring. Presumably after that they went to wherever mortals go.

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by chris63 Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:25 am

Does that go for Gimli aswel ?

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:28 am

I honestly don't know- Gimli going at all is one of those things I seem to remember Tolkien leaves a little open, is it not worded somethng like "it was said that" rather than a definitive statement he went?

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by chris63 Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:43 am

Also at the end of the movie i wished that Tolkien would have put in King Aragorn visiting The Shire
and letting all the Hobbits no what heroic deeds Frodo had done for them. After all he did save the world
It seems a shame that they all thought him and Bilbo were crackers.

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:18 am

Aragorn banned himself from entering the Shire when he became King (I always thought that an odd decision).

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Orwell Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:33 am

chris63 wrote:Also at the end of the movie i wished that Tolkien would have put in King Aragorn visiting The Shire
and letting all the Hobbits no what heroic deeds Frodo had done for them. After all he did save the world
It seems a shame that they all thought him and Bilbo were crackers.

Tolkien did things in his own way. He was realistic, too. I think soldiers returning from the trenches in WW1 would have got similar treatment after the initial happy excitement at their return.

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Orwell Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:34 am

Pettytyrant101 wrote:Aragorn banned himself from entering the Shire when he became King (I always thought that an odd decision).

Kings are strange.

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Favorite Parts Empty Re: Favorite Parts

Post by Kafria Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:51 pm

Chris you are not alone, I cry at Boromirs death scene and Frodos leaving everytime, I think both are very well done.

In general I have to say I loved most of the visuals/vistas (the fellowship heading into the, The rohirrm when they met Aragorn and at pelenor fields, the veiw of the orcs before Helms deep etc) Although I missed treebeard atop his cliff sunning himself.

In the book one of my favourtie sequences is after the breaking of the fellowship when Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas are tracking Merry and Pippin, it always reads as so epic in a majestic landscape, the rising to the plateua edge and then down the stair to the rolling downs, steep on one side and shallow on the other slowly lowering to the plains, breath taking! Very Happy

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