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Lorient Avandi
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Post by Lorient Avandi Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:23 am

So, who do like the most in lotr? I'd like to know you top 3 for the books, top 3 for movies, and top 3 for their appearance in the movies.
Book: Faramir, theoden, aragorn
Movie:Faramir, haldir, theoden
Movie appearance:Faramir, irolas, and either eomer, haldir or theoden
Lorient Avandi
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Post by chris63 Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:33 am

Gandalf, Sam, Gollum for all 3 questions

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Post by Lorient Avandi Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:36 am

When I said movie appearance, I meant which ones do you think look coolest, not which ones look closest to the way they are in the book.
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Post by chris63 Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:47 am

Favorite characters Facepa10

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Post by Pettytyrant101 Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:49 am

I treid to answer this, but I can't. The first question is hard enough, I'd feel like I was being asked to pick which child I liked most! I suppose from the book, if I was nailed up and forced to pick only three I'd say Gandalf, Sam, and Faramir in no particular order.
But I cannot answer question 2 or 3. 2 because I think the script is so appaling for almost all the major characters that I only like one interpretation in the entire film, Bilbo (mainly thanks to Ian Holm's performance). And I cannot answer 3 because the idea of cool and LotR's has never struck me. I suppose when I first read the books as a young teenager I thought Aragorn was cool- but that was book Aragorn. PJ's is not, or consistent, or very good for very long. Sorry. I tried. Shrugging

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Favorite characters Empty Re: Favorite characters

Post by Eldorion Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:09 am

Lorient Avandi wrote:So, who do like the most in lotr? I'd like to know you top 3 for the books, top 3 for movies, and top 3 for their appearance in the movies.

Welcome to Forumshire, Lorient! I hope you enjoy your time here. Smile I've always had a soft spot for the Faramir of the books ever since I first read them, but I can't really say that I have a list of favourite characters. In the movies I've always really loved Christopher Lee's performance as Saruman, Sean Bean as Boromir, Sean Astic as Sam, though I'm not sure I'd say they're my favourite characters. As for "coolness", I really like the design for the Rohirrim costumes, but I just like Rohan in general (except for it not being green enough)! cheers
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Post by Eldorion Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:10 am

chris63 wrote:<snip image>

I think I can see where you're coming from, but it might be good to be a bit nicer. Smile Of course, I'm sure the Daily Purist would say that's me being a liberal pansy or something, but whatever. Razz
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Post by Orwell Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:18 am

Eldorion wrote:I think I can see where you're coming from [Chris], but it might be good to be a bit nicer. Smile Of course, I'm sure the Daily Purist would say that's me being a liberal pansy or something, but whatever. Razz

Well, it is why we love you, birthday boy! Very Happy

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Post by Eldorion Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:20 am

Aw shucks, Orwell, you really know how to compliment a guy. Embarassed Razz
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Post by chris63 Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:36 am

Eldorion wrote:
chris63 wrote:<snip image>

I think I can see where you're coming from, but it might be good to be a bit nicer. Smile Of course, I'm sure the Daily Purist would say that's me being a liberal pansy or something, but whatever. Razz

Sorry, that picture was aimed at myself for misreading the questoin. I am nicer Very Happy

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Post by Eldorion Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:38 am

No problem, and great! Very Happy
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Post by Eldorion Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:59 am

Also, while we don't get to see much of them in the films, I really like the designs for the Citadel Guards in Minas Tirith. Very Happy They seem to be much more of a "ceremonial" regiment than in the books, but I love the uniforms. Fortunately some of the supplementary volumes like Weapons and Warfare have much better pictures of them. Smile Here they are in Return of the King ...

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... and here are some close-ups ...

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Favorite characters Empty Re: Favorite characters

Post by Orwell Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:38 am

Lorient Avandi wrote:So, who do like the most in lotr? I'd like to know you top 3 for the books, top 3 for movies, and top 3 for their appearance in the movies.
Book: Faramir, theoden, aragorn
Movie:Faramir, haldir, theoden
Movie appearance:Faramir, irolas, and either eomer, haldir or theoden

Book: Bilbo, Gandalf, Tom Bombadil (Cheat: Among Men/Elves: Aragorn, Faramir, Boromir)

Movie: Bilbo, Gandalf, Sam (Cheat: Among Men/Elves: Arwen, Boromir, Theoden)

Movie Appearance: Bilbo, Gandalf, Sam (Cheat Among Men/Elves: Arwen, Boromir, Faramir)

Too hard. I want to change my mind already....

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Post by Lorient Avandi Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:41 am

Movie Appearance Cheat: not counting actual individual characters then: 3rd Age gondor soldier, 3rd age elf soldier, 2nd age elf soldier.
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Post by Tinuviel Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:03 am

Book: Frodo, Eowyn, Faramir
Movie: Legolas, Aragorn, Gandalf
Movie Appearance: Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf (the grey)

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Favorite characters Empty Re: Favorite characters

Post by Kafria Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:15 am

Just three? arghhhhh!

Can't do that,

Looking through peoples answers I have to agree with some points - Sean Bean as Boromir Very Happy
From the book I missed Tom Bombadil when the movie was made, so he must be up there, can really empathise with Eowyn, so she's obviously a favorite, Sam also a shoe in, but the one that really intrigues me is Merry from the book, not the hero, doesn't need to be part of it, but makes a choice to get involved because it is the right thing to do for his friend first and foremost! The journey and determination to still be involved.... I suppose its the closest you get to the 'man on the street' experinece of the events of the story (that the hobbits seem to represent)...and he has a bit more brain than pip! Rolling Eyes

Movie.......(Sorry can't see past Sean Bean and Orlando Bloom as eye candy Laughing ) will think on it

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Favorite characters Empty Re: Favorite characters

Post by Orwell Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:34 pm

Sean Bean is one of my favorites -- but NOT as eye candy... only as a fine actor playing a good character... honest.... Embarassed

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Post by Eldorion Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:27 pm

Do you keep the kleenex handy when you get to the end of Fellowship, Orwell? Crying or Very sad (I do sometimes...)
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Post by Pretty Tyrant Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:29 pm

I always have a box of kleenex handy for gentleman friends- the never seem to have their own.

All thats hot, and the awards too.
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Post by Orwell Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:42 am

That's only hygenic, of course. Nod

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Post by bungobaggins Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:27 am

Responding to a three year old post. Only on Forumshire. Laughing

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Post by bungobaggins Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:36 am


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Post by Eldorion Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:49 am

I always that Orwell into necro


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Post by RA Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:37 pm


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Post by Orwell Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:17 am

I decided to become an Elve and am now Timeless. {{{Nothing kinky mind, dearest Eldo.  Very Happy}}}  {{{or was that inexpensive....? scratch }}}

‘The streets of Forumshire must be Dominated!’
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