Autism Spectrum Quotient

Mrs Figg
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Autism Spectrum Quotient - Page 2 Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Mrs Figg Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:41 pm

Orwell wrote:
Pettytyrant101 wrote:Could get a bit hairy when they tried it on the second floor!

Did you try shaving them?  Very Happy 

I think the alternative is worse
Mrs Figg
Mrs Figg
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Autism Spectrum Quotient - Page 2 Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by The Wobbit A Parody Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:04 pm

My mom died of Alzheimer's in May. My 16-year-old youngest daughter is diagnosed with "severe global developmental delay." She may be autistic, too. Even though she will probably ever be independent, I had a much harder time dealing with my mom.

I think we're all on the spectrum somewhere. Whenever I observe someone acting contrary to their own best interests, I wonder how they would be assessed.

How we treat each other (and the people that have the most serious needs) defines who we are. The first group Hitler started killing, before the Jews, the gypsies, the gays, the communists, were the children with special needs.
The Wobbit A Parody
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Autism Spectrum Quotient - Page 2 Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:41 pm

Very sorry to hear about your Mom. You have my heartfelt condolences.

I do worry sometime when I hear diagnosis like "severe global developmental delay" that the US medical system based on private markets is not prone to over diagnosis and to label things.
I seems to me that in the past people just accepted that people came in a wide variety of flavours on a broad spectrum.
These days it seems like there is some mad idea that there something called 'a normal human person' and that everyone can be diagnosed and categorised in comparison to it and sold the appropriate drug.

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Autism Spectrum Quotient - Page 2 Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by halfwise Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:16 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:I was caring for my Great Aunt after she entered the early stages of dementia, and they sent someone to use a similar sort of test to assess her level of dementia.

The person taking the test didnt seem to know a thing about dementia and there job was just to ask a series of questions like the autism test above, to give you an example of how well they worked this how the conversation started (and ended).

Assessor- Can you count to ten?

Aunt- Yes.

Assessor- No, I want you to count to ten.

Aunt- What for?

Assessor- I want to hear you count to ten out loud for me.

Aunt- Why? Can't you count to ten?

Assessor- Yes, I can, but I want to hear you do it.

Aunt- What for?

Assessor- So I know you can count to ten.

Aunt- You think I cant count to ten? (throws a 'is this guy for real' look at me)

Me (sympathetic shoulder shrug) Just count up to ten to please him.

Aunt- No, he's got a bloody cheek! (gets up and leaves)

Your Great Aunt was obviously some kind of genius.  cheers 

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Autism Spectrum Quotient - Page 2 Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:06 pm

She was- she always had a blunt abrasive character, her dementia never robed her of that it just made it more blunt.

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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