Autism Spectrum Quotient

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Yavanna Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:48 pm

After reading about Susan Boyle's Asperger's Syndrom diagnosis, I decide to check my own:
Cambridge Autism Quotient Test

What I found alarmed me a little; turns out I am "Above Average", meaning that I haven't got Autism, but that I have a high degree of Autism-like symptoms. I am wondering if this is why I'm considered "eccentric".... I do go on about things too long, boring others, noticing details that wouldn't concern regular people, and spending good parts of my day daydreaming.

What do you think? Is it normal artistic sort of bipolarism, or bottom of the line, very functional autism???
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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:00 pm

I never quite trust these tests- the questions are too rigid- do I like to go to social events? That depends on the social event- do I want to go to a PJ Arselicking social gathering? No! Do I want to go to free buckie and a room full of drunk ladies of loose moral regard? I could be persuaded.

So I did it twice and answered differently, but still truthfully both times- and Im average one way and a touch autistic the other- by which I take it to mean the test is useless.

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Eldorion Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:20 pm

If you're concerned about a possible mental diagnosis I would consult a professional.  Most Internet mental health quizzes are not very reliable (and I notice that this quiz also has the standard disclaimer about not being a diagnostic tool).

For what it's worth, I tried the test and ended up solidly in the average range, though closer to the high end than the low end.

Yavanna wrote:What I found alarmed me a little; turns out I am "Above Average", meaning that I haven't got Autism, but that I have a high degree of Autism-like symptoms. I am wondering if this is why I'm considered "eccentric".... I do go on about things too long, boring others, noticing details that wouldn't concern regular people, and spending good parts of my day daydreaming.

What do you think? Is it normal artistic sort of bipolarism, or bottom of the line, very functional autism???
So long as those "eccentric" behaviors are not impeding your ability to go about your life or maintain social relationships, I wouldn't worry too much about it. As for boring people, it really depends on what your interests are and whether you spend time around people who share those interests. But so long as you are able to listen to other people as well I don't think it's cause for concern. But then again, I'm not a health care professional, so take anything I say with a grain of salt. Shrugging

Not sure what you mean about bipolar, sorry.

Last edited by Eldorion on Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Eldorion Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:21 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:I never quite trust these tests- the questions are too rigid- do I like to go to social events? That depends on the social event- do I want to go to a PJ Arselicking social gathering? No! Do I want to go to free buckie and a room full of drunk ladies of loose moral regard? I could be persuaded.

So I did it twice and answered differently, but still truthfully both times- and Im average one way and a touch autistic the other- by which I take it to mean the test is useless.
I see what you mean about vague questions -- I often wish that quizzes like this had a "neutral" option -- but I'm not sure how you could answer the quiz differently two times and still be honest. Or at least, why you would be surprised that different answers give different results. Question
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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Ringdrotten Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:25 pm

If you look for autism symptoms in a person, you'll find them. Like Eldo says, if one is really worried about it, consult a professional Wink

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:32 pm

I'm not sure how you could answer the quiz differently two times and still be honest- Eldo

If it seems to me like there are two answers that both fit how I act then both are truthful.

For example a question asking if I find it easy to talk to people and socialise- the honest answer to that is I can be the life and soul of a conversation or I can not be arsed and look for the first opportunity to get out- it depends on lots of things- do I like the people? Are they engaging interesting people or am I stuck in a room with a bunch of ignorant racists? Am I in a good mood? Have I had a drink? Was my day shit before I had to socialise?

In other words I'm a normal human being in that I can be all over the place depending on a whole host of daily factors.
Tests like these by the very nature of the questions seem flawed to me and to mistakenly assume any one person is any fixed thing at any given time.

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Eldorion Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:35 pm

Fair point.  I just tried to pick the answer that I felt described my behavior in the broadest range of scenarios.  Obviously a real diagnosis would be based on actual interaction with a doctor instead of a multiple choice quiz.
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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:41 pm

I got an average, but 20 points. they said most women were 15 and men 17. I do these tests but I dont take it seriously, its just a bit of fun.
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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by halfwise Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:40 pm

Yavanna wrote:After reading about Susan Boyle's Asperger's Syndrom diagnosis, I decide to check my own:
Cambridge Autism Quotient Test

What I found alarmed me a little; turns out I am "Above Average", meaning that I haven't got Autism, but that I have a high degree of Autism-like symptoms. I am wondering if this is why I'm considered "eccentric".... I do go on about things too long, boring others, noticing details that wouldn't concern regular people, and spending good parts of my day daydreaming.

What do you think? Is it normal artistic sort of bipolarism, or bottom of the line, very functional autism???

Sounds like your symptoms are those of other notable crackpots such as Descartes, Matisse, etc.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by bungobaggins Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:31 pm

These kinds of quizzes make me angry.  Mad 

Autism is a serious issue, and to boil it all down to a facebook-type quiz is disgusting.

Just because someone would rather "stay at home" than "go to a party" does not mean that that is a "symptom of autism." Good grief.  :facepalm: 

I have a relative who is autistic, and to see him look right through his parents, when they are trying to communicate with him, is heartbreaking.

Don't trust this quiz. Yavanna, I got "above average," too. Whatever that means. Like Eldo said, if you are really concerned, consult a medical professional. This "quiz" is just a bunch of bunk.

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by halfwise Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:43 pm

I got a 25 using Eldo's criteria, am scouring Petty's techniques to see if I can break solidly into autistic territory.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by bungobaggins Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:59 pm

First time I took it honestly I got 27. Second time I was trying to get to 50, I got 41.

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by bungobaggins Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:04 pm

46. Looks like I should contact my medical professional!  Rolling Eyes 

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:12 pm

I was caring for my Great Aunt after she entered the early stages of dementia, and they sent someone to use a similar sort of test to assess her level of dementia.

The person taking the test didnt seem to know a thing about dementia and there job was just to ask a series of questions like the autism test above, to give you an example of how well they worked this how the conversation started (and ended).

Assessor- Can you count to ten?

Aunt- Yes.

Assessor- No, I want you to count to ten.

Aunt- What for?

Assessor- I want to hear you count to ten out loud for me.

Aunt- Why? Can't you count to ten?

Assessor- Yes, I can, but I want to hear you do it.

Aunt- What for?

Assessor- So I know you can count to ten.

Aunt- You think I cant count to ten? (throws a 'is this guy for real' look at me)

Me (sympathetic shoulder shrug) Just count up to ten to please him.

Aunt- No, he's got a bloody cheek! (gets up and leaves)

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by bungobaggins Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:16 pm

My great aunt had dementia too.  Shocked 

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Amarië Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:48 pm

Yeah, refusing to answer can be a sign too. They know what to look for.

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:50 pm

Nah he just went about it all wrong, Id could have got her to count to ten just by not being so bloody direct and confrontational about it.

He just sat there like a plum when she walked out and didnt know what to do and looked suprised.  Mad 

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Amarië Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:55 pm

He's the doc (or whatever), you're supposed to love, honour and obey him till death do you part.

One does not simply woke into Mordor.
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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:56 pm

Nah he was from the local council- they just handed him a clip board with a page of questions on it I think and sent him out to ask them.

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Amarië Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:05 pm

How lovely. Does he do brain surgery too?

One does not simply woke into Mordor.
-Mrs Figg

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:07 pm

Probably but only on Tuesdays.

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Orwell Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:10 pm

So, what if you were insane and knew you were but were a  bit embarrassed about it so answered the questions in the way you needed to prove you were sane (not all insane people are stupid!) - would you then be --- well --- not really insane, after all?  --- I don't believe so. The insanest people can often seem the most sane - and be very self aware and concious of outside stimuli - i.e. us looking at them with a careful scrutiny and a question or two in our eyes. (This is actually a seriously made post btw).

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:13 pm

I have known some very cunning dementia patients.
There were two old ladies in one home I worked in who seemed to think they were in Colditz or something, as they were constantly trying to escape.
One of their regular tactics would be to wait till there was only 1 member of staff about then one of them would cause a distraction and then the other would try to get out the front door or get a window open and clamber out.
Could get a bit hairy when they tried it on the second floor!

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Orwell Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:15 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:Could get a bit hairy when they tried it on the second floor!

Did you try shaving them?  Very Happy 

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Autism Spectrum Quotient Empty Re: Autism Spectrum Quotient

Post by Amarië Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:40 pm

Clever girls! It gave a bit of comfort to know Gran had her own little world which was quite rosy and nice. And that the doors were secure.

One does not simply woke into Mordor.
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