Aliens - Do they... don't they?

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Lancebloke Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:09 pm

I havent found a thread on this and at that I am surprised at you all consideringsome of the crap on here... this must be far more intellectual than most of it.

So... are you a Fox Mulder and have had first hand experience of seeing your little sister abducted by tall, skinny beings with floaty arms with just enough of a dazzling light to not be blinded but to also not really see what is going on.... or do you think its a crock of horse shit?

Has anyone had any close, or not particularly close, encounters of various kinds (and I don't mean hairy french women)?

Does Cyndonia have a giant face and glass transport tubes connecting it with other regions of the planet? Did Ant and Dec film a real alien autopsy?

And lastly, if you do not believe that 'little green men' or any other men/women/transgender/no gender beings have visited from outer, inner or other space... then do you think they are out there pontificating on life and planning on how to kill all the baddies on their own planet or forming grand, intergalatic, peaceful alliances?

P.S - the 'being' on my avatar isn't real!

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:15 pm

Ive seen UFO's. On several different occasions but never up close, and sadly not close enough to know what the hell they were.

The most spectacular was a huge dull orange slab, sitting above the hills. I used various sighting lines between me and it and various distances- telegraph poles, chimneys, treelines- to work out if it was really there or if it was an odd optical illusion or trick of the light- by all means I could discern it was actually there- and it was huge.
After a few minutes it sunk behind the hills.

A week later I was in the staffroom at work on lunch reading the daily papers and in the Daily Record there was a report that a radar station had tracked a UFO of exeptionally large size up the west coast of Scotland that night before losing it- they estimated it from the radar info to be about the size of an aircraft carrier.

Thats my most spectacular UFO sighting.

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Mrs Figg Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:22 pm

its the Buckie Petty Shocked

why are ALL alien photos from far away? Suspect

Last edited by Mrs Figg on Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Norc Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:26 pm

affraid omg!!! btw, i totally believe there is something out there, I mean, c'mon, look at the crop circles! no person can make it.

Petty, that is amazing, do you like live near areas where stuff like that happens? I mean, crop circles appear in england, don't they?

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by David H Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:42 pm

Do they or don't they WHAT???? Shocked
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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Norc Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:43 pm


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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:44 pm

its the Buckie Petty- Mrs Figg

My buckie hallucinations dont usually show up on radar!

Norc I dont know if they happen a lot round here or if its just I go out in the dark a lot and go camping. But Ive seen a few odd things in the sky.

On another occasion I was at a friends house, about 2 am- there were a few of us there misspending our youth- but my friends flat was rented on the basis he was a nonsmoker- fortuntaly he had a balcony and we would go out on there and smoke a joint or two and chat (I did say it was misspent!).
Anyway we where out there this one time on a completely clear, crisp winters night havng a smoke, and my friend who is excelent at spotting movement in the night sky pointed out a white spot of light. It looked exactly like a satellite and even had the slightly wobbly course satellittes appear to have because of the light bending in the atmosphere.
So nothing unusual- then we spotted another coming from the opposite diretion, two satellittes, unusual but nothing odd.
Then a third, then a fourth, and fifth, all coming from different directions but heading to the same point. Which was starting to look more than bit suspicous.
Before we knew it there were at least half a dozen of these dots of light, they swarmed all around each other for a moment then all shot off in different diretions at very high speeds and vanished- never seen satelittes do that before or since!

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Eldorion Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:44 pm

Haven't a number of people who confessed to creating crop circles actually given fairly detailed descriptions of how they created them?

Anyway, statistically, it's basically guaranteed that there is life elsewhere in the universe. Some of it is most likely just as intelligent and developed as we are, if not more. Until faster than light travel is proven to be something more than just a product of science fiction, though, the chances of us ever encountering extraterrestrial life (other than bacteria on Mars) seem pretty slim.
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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by halfwise Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:53 pm

Sounds like one of 'em spotlight dance thingies that get setup at grand openings and such, Petty.

Along the lines of Eldorian, I want desperately to believe, but given the vast distances it makes more sense to be skeptical until we have undeniable proof of visitation. Along with crop circles, didn't Russia fess up to the Roswell incident?

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Norc Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:59 pm

Eldorion wrote:Haven't a number of people who confessed to creating crop circles actually given fairly detailed descriptions of how they created them?

yeah, but when out to the test, they didn't match up. remember, the crop is bent, not broken and they are in perfect symmetry and geometry, very complex, huge and made in just a couple of minutes. the straws lie all the same way. A person, on the ground, with planks, couldn't do it that perfect and in that time. Also there is one video of a crop circle being made, takes about a minute and you can see two or three glowing balls of light swirling around and over it. the video is shot on an old videocamera with low res, making it very hard to do any "cgi" and the person who filmed it ran down to the pub as fast as possible so that people would believe him. Farmers tell about them suddenly arriving early in the morning.

this also brings back the giant white horses, stonehenge and the giant (I mean like huge, only seen from high up) pictures of animals showing water under the earth in ancient Peru.

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Norc Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:03 pm

one has to watch these things begin a bit skeptical, but one can't deny.. there is something in it.
the second one is shorter (no shit) it is freaking me out.

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by David H Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:05 pm

I don't believe that crop circles are made by aliens. That's just silly. Everybody with any sense knows they're made by the Faery People and always have been! Rolling Eyes
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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Norc Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:08 pm

I am thinking microwaves are behind this. in like the 18 hundreds or earlier, a man managed to transport electricity across USA without using any wires, he forgot or wasn't believed idk, but it wasn't written down, so no one knows how, but he used microwaves..

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Mrs Figg Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:09 pm

'' my friend who is excelent at spotting movement in the night sky'' Petty.

He's an Owl isnt he?
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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Norc Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:11 pm

same video, but not the freaky ass music and a bit more explanation.. kinda

also.. where is that dude from, the english is annoying me.

(also.. did they mention a John Smith?)

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:14 pm

Sounds like one of 'em spotlight dance thingies that get setup at grand openings and such, Petty.- Halfwise

Unlikley- didnt look like one for a start but round here such a thing would have been part of some major event- one of us there would have known something was on.
We have one major event here a year- Cowal Games- thats it. And even it doesnt stretch the budget beyond fireworks.

What we do have however is a lot of military activtivy, secret bases, nuclear bases all around us.

If you look up for example Loch Striven on google earth, just round the corner from here- you will notice a large dark rectangualr patch in the loch- thats a base for example, hidden from google. Same thing for Coulport, Faslane, and several oher places too.
Several of the hills round here are either hollow or artifical also.

So whilst I do see a lot of odd stuff I am skeptical as to its source.

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Norc Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:16 pm

don't tell me a person, on the ground with planks could make this.. not with a thousand men could you do this, it is folly.
Aliens - Do they... don't they? Crop-circle-Milk-Hill-2009Aliens - Do they... don't they? CropcircledeluxAliens - Do they... don't they? CropCircle-2012-Mayan-Wheel-Silbury+Hill,+Wiltshire,+2-3+August+2004Aliens - Do they... don't they? 16327mayancropAliens - Do they... don't they? Crop-circle-spira;Aliens - Do they... don't they? AngelAliens - Do they... don't they? Dragonfly-crop-cir_1416887i

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Norc Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:19 pm

Aliens - Do they... don't they? CropCircleCloseUp22ndJuly2009WoodboroughAliens - Do they... don't they? Ohio2005Aliens - Do they... don't they? 2Aliens - Do they... don't they? 20auAliens - Do they... don't they? Seedheads07

now, your turn to go on google images and be wowed, I have homework.

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:22 pm

Pretty yes- but why travel all the way here from another planet just to do some drawing in a field? Wouldnt maybe just parking and talking to people be more useful?

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by halfwise Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:22 pm

That's pretty cool, Norc.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by halfwise Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:23 pm

they must not have grass on alien planets. I think these must be alien art pieces like what's his name, you know, the french guy who hangs shit in outdoor environments.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by David H Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:36 pm

They're even getting interested in US politics! Shocked

Aliens - Do they... don't they? Corn-maze-richardsons-farm

(seriously, with gps controlled tractors and mowers, a farmer can make almost any image just by downloading a file to the autopilot. There are some farms that make more from intricate corn mazes than from the crop itself.)
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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Lancebloke Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:52 pm

2 pages already! That was quick.

I have only seen one odd thing. Was outside in the garden with an ex-gf (Was very cold so nothing illicit going on btw) doing some star gazing as was a very clear night.

As I was looking and she was talking (surprise), I saw a flash in the sky... looked quite a distance as was a very specific part of the sky, not like lightning. I asked her if she saw it and pointed to the sky... she said no but as she did, we then both saw a streak move relatively slowly across the sky from the point I had seen the flash and then another moving directly away from where that streak was heading.

Very similar to a NASA shuttle video (think it was Discovery) where it looked like a moving dot got shot at by something. Was very odd.

There is too much light polution here to see much else going on unfortunately.

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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Eldorion Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:56 pm

Aliens - Do they... don't they? Tumblr_medw9sysqO1r4h8xno2_1280
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Aliens - Do they... don't they? Empty Re: Aliens - Do they... don't they?

Post by Eldorion Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:57 pm

Also, lol @ David's political aliens. Laughing

Sorry Norc, but it's completely possible to create crop circles with the most mundane of equipment, much less modern (human) technology.
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