Tales of Home [9]

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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by halfwise Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:02 am

So my friends Phil and Jennifer moved right next to Central Park before Covid hit. They immediately decamped to their beach house to wait out the virus (yes, between them they are loaded), but they just came back for a week and I had to bike down and do some exploring with him.

I know most people hate to hear their voice, but it's 1000x worse for me. Ah well, people put up with me.

I had pointed out the cherry blossoms to them, so we went and hit them again.

Then he took me to his secret drinking place in the park he had discovered: this old tree that hung way out over the water of one of the lakes.

In return for him showing me his secret spot I had to show him one of mine.

Finally I had a 4 mile bike home along the Hudson river. Stopped to capture sunset through the clouds.

So now I'll go watch Petty's edit of the second half of the Hobbot movie, and he knows why I skipped out on it this afternoon.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:11 am

{{ Love seeing your bit of the world Halfy- so different for us country bumkins. And not a thing wrong with how you sound, dont sweat it, sound fine. And ok, Ill give you a pass- now go watch it!
Scotch! Hope it was a real one, actually scottish, preferably a nice single malt. If its Jack Daniels Ill be very upset!  Mad }}

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Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:21 am

{{ Ill be up for a bit yet Halfy if you want me to join you for some of it on discord- unless youd just rather relax and watch alone of course, no biggie, just a thought seeing as Im awake anyway. }}

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by halfwise Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:07 am

It was McAllister.

I was watching the film, not checking the forum.  Funny, about half the scenes I have absolutely no recollection of.  Blotted them out. But this version was less annoying than the original, even if there's some things you can do nothing about. I can see why you couldn't cut out Azog, but was thrown for loop by seeing Bolg in the credits.  Where was that?

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:42 am

{{ McAllister- never heard of it. A blend mind you not a single malt, but I'll give you a pass, this time.

I didnt edit the credits, didnt seem worth it for the work for sake of a couple of drawings, though Bolg does briefly appear -he is the orc who kills Fili.
The big one in credits still is Radagast (Sylvester McCoy) who isnt in my edit at all.
I edited from the special edition so if you havent seen that then quite a few scenes, the Beorn stuff, the entire end funeral and crowning of Dain and a few other bits and pieces would be new to you. }}

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

A Green And Pleasant Land

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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by halfwise Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:08 pm

Oh, it must have been Macallan. Quite a reputable Scotch I believe.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:56 pm

{{ Ah well thats different. Thats a proper single malt distilled in Moray. Nice drop indeed. Nod }}

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

A Green And Pleasant Land

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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by azriel Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:12 pm

You sound fine to me Halfy Smile you got a 'happy' voice. There were more people in the 1st vid than Ive seen in the local area where I live.

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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by halfwise Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:29 pm

the park was quite full.  People converge when the flowers are happening. And it was one of those great weather days that happen between lousy weather so everyone has to take advantage of it.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:26 pm

Great vids Halfy, I love the central Park ones. One day when this is all over I will visit New York, its one place which haunts my dreams. Very Happy Course when I last went the women folk were wearing bustles and Daniel Day Lewises were twiddling their moustaches.
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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by halfwise Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:06 pm

We'll see how much is left after the virus has ravaged things.  With any luck things can get back to normal and NYC should only take a few years to recover.  But the park won't be affected.

Honestly though, I think London matches it.  Lance may be better set to pass judgement on that - having perhaps spent more time in NYC than I've spent in London, not sure.

Here's an interesting comparison.  Basically if you're a night owl, NYC is the place.  Otherwise I'd plug for London.


Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by Lancebloke Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:41 pm

Without a doubt things will recover.

London has been through a ton of shit, some of it far worse than what is going on now, and gotten through it.

New York has been through plenty too and has come back stronger.

Was there a New York vs London question in those videos somewhere? I havent gotten around to watching just yet.
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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:47 pm

{{ Good to see you Lance, hope youre feeling well. }}

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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by Lancebloke Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:55 pm

@Petty - Thanks. Slow recovery... had a few good days and then a few less good but much better than a couple of weeks back. Would be great if I could find out what I have/had!
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Post by halfwise Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:04 pm

There was no NYC vs London question in the videos, just Figgs stating that she really wants to visit New York and me saying it's not much better than London. Then I listed you as a cross reference.

Funny, this got me looking through accounts of NY vs London, and one London woman (unfortunately mainly interested in shopping) taking pictures of typical grimy dingy NYC streets and cooing about how beautiful it was and how everything looks like a film set.

Granted, there are some neighborhood streets that I'll coo over, but she sure as heck wasn't finding them. Batshit crazy, that one.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Tales of Home [9] - Page 40 Empty Re: Tales of Home [9]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:26 pm

{{ Hopefully youre through the worst of it Lance and the future is brighter. }}



Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

A Green And Pleasant Land

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