Where's that guy/gal?

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Eldorion Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:07 pm

Anyone heard from Radaghast lately? I just checked and he hasn't posted since late April. I hope that he hasn't been scared off for good by PJ's movies. No
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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Norc Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:08 pm

or by us.

or well, something has happened to him/her (i think it's a him) in real life.. Shocked like out there

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by bungobaggins Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:45 pm

Let us summon him!  Twisted Evil 

Where's that guy/gal? Seance-berlin-1930s_528x297

Also, when was the last time Malick was here? I know Sin posted recently after a long hiatus.

Hoping Raddy is okay.

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Mrs Figg Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:26 am

where's Yooper?
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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:52 am

Maybe there was a game of Forumshire Hide and Seek I was too drunk to remember and we will find them all one by one when their skeletons fall out of cupboards and trees.

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Bluebottle Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:57 am

Well, I'm here. Smile  For another couple of seconds at least.

“We're doomed,” he says, casually. “There's no question about that. But it's OK to be doomed because then you can just enjoy your life."
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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:21 am

Where?  Suspect 

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Eldorion Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:57 am

The Blue Bottle of Dorne!  Glad to see you again! Smile

Did Yooper ever post again after the initial "where's Yooper" campaign?  I can't recall.  I do hope that he, Malick, and Raddy come back soon.  {{{And anyone else I might be forgetting, though I hope I'm not.}}}

Edit: looks like Malick last posted about a week ago, so hopefully he's just been busy lately and will be back soon. Smile
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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Mrs Figg Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:16 pm

No Yooper never returned.  Sad 
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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by malickfan Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:44 pm

Yeah I'm still around (I was missed!  Embarassed Smile ), I just decided to take a little break from posting so often, the Forum has been pretty quiet recently (admit it, we kinda thrive on news regarding those films, even if we don't always like it) anyway, so perhaps Raddy is just taking a break for a while?

Looking in the memberlist just now it seems he checked in on July 1st so I'm sure he'll pop in again and post when he has the time.

Nice to see Sin posting again.

The Thorin: An Unexpected Rewrite December 2012 (I was on the money apparently)
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The Sod-it! : Battling my Indifference December 2014 (You know what they say, third time's the charm)

Well, that was worth the wait wasn't it  Suspect

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:51 pm

All well and good, but where is Ally?

I only just found wimbeldon was on, and why? Because there was no Ally here to give a running commentary on the matches  Mad 

We really miss you Ally! And I hate missing folk it makes me crabbit  Evil or Very Mad 

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Eldorion Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:20 pm

Good to see you around, Malick! :hug:

Petty: I'm actually genuinely somewhat worried about Ally.  I know she's been through some rough patches (don't want to get too personal or anything), but Ally, if you read this, we really do miss you and hope you'll come back. Smile
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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Mrs Figg Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:43 pm

didnt she say she was going to Uni? maybe she is just too busy having fun and studying and stuff. anyway I hope so.
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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Norc Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:35 pm

Maliiiiick!! cheers

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by malickfan Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:53 pm

Norc wrote:Maliiiiick!! cheers

 Wave cheers pub 

The Thorin: An Unexpected Rewrite December 2012 (I was on the money apparently)
The Tauriel: Desolation of Canon December 2013 (Accurate again!)
The Sod-it! : Battling my Indifference December 2014 (You know what they say, third time's the charm)

Well, that was worth the wait wasn't it  Suspect

I think what comes out of a pig's rear end is more akin to what Peejers has given us-Azriel 20/9/2014

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by malickfan Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:21 pm

Still no sign of Raddy  Sad 

The Thorin: An Unexpected Rewrite December 2012 (I was on the money apparently)
The Tauriel: Desolation of Canon December 2013 (Accurate again!)
The Sod-it! : Battling my Indifference December 2014 (You know what they say, third time's the charm)

Well, that was worth the wait wasn't it  Suspect

I think what comes out of a pig's rear end is more akin to what Peejers has given us-Azriel 20/9/2014

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by bungobaggins Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:09 am

I thought I saw him signed in the other day. scratch

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Eldorion Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:48 am

The memberlist says he last signed on here on July 25, but he hasn't posted since April 24.
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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by bungobaggins Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:57 am

Come on, Raddy! We want to hear your thoughts on the new teaser trailer! bounce

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by RA Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:04 am

I've been playing too much FTL lately  Razz 

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by bungobaggins Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:19 am

Come back to us, RA. ELE!

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by RA Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:04 am

ELE!!!!  Very Happy   cheers 

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Bluebottle Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:07 pm

Ah. I seem to have gone off again, don't I. Um... What can I say... I got caught up in summer. Never meant to stay away this long though.

Aaanyway, back now. And I'll try to stick around for the forseeable future. Smile

“We're doomed,” he says, casually. “There's no question about that. But it's OK to be doomed because then you can just enjoy your life."
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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:24 pm

Just don't do it again! Mad Fjordians! Evil or Very Mad

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Where's that guy/gal? Empty Re: Where's that guy/gal?

Post by Bluebottle Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:48 pm

Will do err... not. Very Happy

“We're doomed,” he says, casually. “There's no question about that. But it's OK to be doomed because then you can just enjoy your life."
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