Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber?

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Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 Empty Re: Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber?

Post by David H Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:10 pm

Wait, the NSA has pictures of my VEGETABLES?!?!? Embarassed No Extremely Crabbit

Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 1280px-Male_kodiak_bear_face  Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 UJpDi Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 Mumbea10
David H
David H
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Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 Empty Re: Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber?

Post by RA Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:21 am

Snowden has a twitter account now and he's sort of aloof and esoteric with his posting style. I'm the same way so I can't judge. It's just surreal though.

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Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 Empty Re: Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber?

Post by David H Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:53 am

Having recently watched CitizenFour, that doesn't surprise me. He's not overly chatty for very good reasons Nod
An amazing documentary BTW that lets the drama unfold in something like real time with minimal commentary.

Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 1280px-Male_kodiak_bear_face  Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 UJpDi Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 Mumbea10
David H
David H
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Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 Empty Re: Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber?

Post by David H Sun Mar 13, 2016 3:57 pm

Ya know, I'm starting to think Edward Snowden makes more sense than all of the current pack of presidential candidates put together. Suspect

I wish we could get him to run Twisted Evil

Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 1280px-Male_kodiak_bear_face  Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 UJpDi Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 Mumbea10
David H
David H
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Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber? - Page 5 Empty Re: Edward Snowden: Robin Hood or just robber?

Post by halfwise Sun Mar 13, 2016 5:10 pm

He's always been a mesmerizing and thoughtful speaker.

But the general public doesn't want someone who can carefully explain complicated issues. The general public wants someone who can simplify complicated issues out of existence by pure force of will and belief.

Six to eight words is about all you get: "As president, I will carpet bomb ISIS." Cue applause.

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