Law Talk

Mrs Figg
David H
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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Orwell Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:02 am

Got me thinking.

I was checking a suspicious car one night in the carpark of some flats (we got a tip off). The car had bodgy plates on it ('bodgy' is 'false' in Strine - and "Strine" is 'Ozhobbitstanian').

Anyhow, there was a door was unlocked and there was a bag on the front seat. Just as I was about to check out the bag for ID (yes, I had a legal power of search Petty! Mad ) a young filly wandered out of the flats holding a bottle of Vodka and a bag in her arms. I wandered over to meet her with my (female) partner and had a chat. (This is about 5 in the morning - I was on nightshift). The filly was kinda cute, blonde, cheerily drunk (and a little err... simple).

She proceeded to be not particularly honest about her connection with the car. So shortly after, I left my partner with her and went and got the bag from the car. I was going through it on the front seat of the div van and my partner started saying,

"Glenn! Glenn!" (Whoever that is? Suspect )

I said, "What?"

She said: "Can you come over here a minute."

I look over and they're standing there, partially concealed by the back of a car, and nothing distressing in view.

I said: "I'll be there in a sec."

She said: "Glenn! Can you come here now."

Took another look. I thought, "Bloody women. Impatient!" (Actually, I didn't, but it makes for a good story! Very Happy )

I said: "Yes, give me a sec.'

Then: "Glenn!"

I detect a certain something in the voice this time. A little more alert (the tone of urgency having penetrated my crabbit I've-been-up-all-night testiness), I go over to see what the no-doubt-inconsquential bother is.

My partner - looking rather ashen - then holds up the handgun the sweet, simple, cheerily-drunk filly had had down the front of her pants!

(My partner had been curiious about a suspicious bulge down the front of her pants and had asked her what she had down there. The filly pulled the gun out and my partner grabbed it quick smart - as you would. I had been standing at the wrong angle and height earlier and it was out of my view under the botte and bag she was carrying).

"Oh goodness, " I said. (Well, I thought it, anyway. Laughing )

And this is why I now check out harmless seeming pretty young fillies from top to toe (without being so circumspect about it anymore. Embarassed )

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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:07 am

Well obviously I can see the very right and proper reasons why you should always thoroughly check the pretty ones.

Im 100% sure my neighbours friend wasnt concealing a gun down her pants however, I saw her earlier and trust me, there was nowhere concealing in that outfit! Very Happy

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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Orwell Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:16 am

I now check out pretty young fillies with even more care than I thought possible, Petty. It often needs a shock like that to make you more aware of danger, you know. Nod

(Whenever I work with that particular female cop, who is young and comely herself, we tend to have fine adventures. I think it's because she's so keen - it's infectious and things happen. I only hope it's not the death of me! Shocked And vulgar - she's as naughty and suggestive with me as Mrs Figg! Shocked And, of couse, I tactfully ignore it - as I would never be naughty and suggestive myself while working with an attractive young woman, being an Old School Gentlehobbit, as you know! Very Happy )

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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Orwell Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:09 am

Should Pussy Riot have been jailed? Suspect

Do Assange's sexual assault victims have no right to justice? Suspect

Are Women still second class citizens? Shrugging

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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:23 am

Dunno about the first two but I cant imagine any of the females here putting up with being 2nd class citizens of Forumshire, can you? (come to think of it I reckon it'd be hard enough just to get them to travel 2nd class!)

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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by David H Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:06 pm

Orwell wrote:Should Pussy Riot have been jailed? Suspect

If they're truly trying to change things then I expect they were hoping to be jailed. It's a fundamental tactic of civil disobedience. It's certainly put their protest in the world's spotlight. I wish them well!

Do Assange's sexual assault victims have no right to justice? Suspect

Of course they do, but there's a lot going on in this case that I don't understand. When the Swedish government has only asked to question him relating to the allegations, and when Assange has repeatedly agreed to be questioned in England, why has nobody followed up on this if truth and justice is really the object?

I honestly don't understand what game Sweden and England are playing here. I doubt that the US government, especially the justice system, would know what to do with him even if they ever did extradite him. It's not a winnable case. I suspect they're just happy to see him dangle for as long as possible without a trial. What do you all think?

Are Women still second class citizens? Shrugging

I'd say most women are still second class citizens, as are most men. It seems more women are joining the "ruling class" each year, but I'm not convinced that changes much.
David H
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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:43 pm

On the Assange thing there is a LOT of politics going on here.
I note the American Nations are now involving themselves collectively too.
Twenty-three members of the OAS (Organization of American States) voted to have the meeting in Washington DC. The US was one of three to oppose it.
At emergency talks held by the OAS in Washington, US envoy Carmen Lomellin said a meeting of foreign ministers "would be unhelpful and harmful to the OAS' reputation as an institution".
She said the US - which was joined in a no vote by Canada, and Trinidad and Tobago - did not "recognise the concept of diplomatic asylum as a matter of international law".

That last statement is interesting as it has wider raminfications than this one case.

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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Mrs Figg Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:42 pm

women are only 2nd class citizens if they think they are, and mostly they do because they are told they are from birth. Its chicken or egg.
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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by David H Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:12 pm

Mrs Figg wrote:women are only 2nd class citizens if they think they are, and mostly they do because they are told they are from birth. Its chicken or egg.

Every word of that is true for men too.

But it's only fair to acknowledge that, in some cultures, for a woman to stand up for equality can cost her her life.

(Now that I think about it, that statement is true for many men too.)
David H
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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Mrs Figg Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:00 pm

thats true, I often wonder what would happen if half the population suddenly decided they were equal? would they kill or suppress all of them? It would be quite some dilemma for the ruling class.
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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Orwell Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:13 pm

Petty said: "She said the US - which was joined in a no vote by Canada, and Trinidad and Tobago - did not "recognise the concept of diplomatic asylum as a matter of international law"."

That I find terribly disturbing, what! Shocked

Mrs Figg wrote: "women are only 2nd class citizens if they think they are, and mostly they do because they are told they are from birth. Its chicken or egg."

Funny, in Ozhobbitstan, women (especially young attractive ones like you, Mrs Figg!) are called 'birds'. Forgive me my naievty, but do Eurohobbits your fairer sex 'chickens' --- and is it also true you can lay eggs? Shrugging

David H: "But it's only fair to acknowledge that, in some cultures, for a woman to stand up for equality can cost her her life."

This is why I fear the withdrawal from Afghanistan. There is a great cost in staying, but the extinguishment of hope for Female Liberation in leaving. I was trained by Femininists back in the early 80's when Feminists stood up for women everywhere! They weren't namby-pamby Feminists, no, they had balls (mostly metaphorical, some real, I fear! Shocked ) I don't hear a squeak about the treatment of Afghani women from the Feminist Lobby anymore. It's disgusting.

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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by David H Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:57 pm

Orwell wrote:
This is why I fear the withdrawal from Afghanistan. There is a great cost in staying, but the extinguishment of hope for Female Liberation in leaving.

I share your fear, Orwell, but I don't believe military solutions to social problems are usually successful in the long run either.

My hope is that some of the seeds of civil rights that have recently been planted will find fertile soil and take root, but I'm afraid it will take a generation or two for them to bear fruit, and sadly, if history is an indicator, only after some brave leaders have been martyred.
David H
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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Orwell Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:02 am

David H: "But it's only fair to acknowledge that, in some cultures, for a woman to stand up for equality can cost her her life."

I'll say no more!*

{{{Actually, I suspect I probably will say more! Very Happy }}}

‘The streets of Forumshire must be Dominated!’
Quoted from the Needleholeburg Address of Moderator General, Upholder of Values, Hobbit at the top of Town, Orwell, while glittering like gold.
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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by halfwise Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:03 pm

Geez, a poor hobbit can't go off on a long weekend without you people rattling off 5 pages of incisive analysis. Not incisive enough, I fear I must labor to set you straight in retrospect.

• Cannabis should absolutely be legalized. If after a suitable waiting period the drug cartels with all their violence haven't collapsed, then hard drugs should be legalized (with manufacture only allowed under the strictest government oversight of course).

• All pretty young females should be considered a threat to society. It should be made known in Afghanistan that we support them in this view.

• All threats to society should be strip searched. Preferably by polite, well groomed adoring young males.

I'm here to provide much needed clarity.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by The Archet Bugle Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:33 am

halfwise wrote:All threats to society should be strip searched. Preferably by polite, well groomed adoring young males.

Best left for the more Senior Police Member, I feel. Neutral
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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by odo banks Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:59 am

What an unusual article... I must contact the Editor! Shocked

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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Mrs Figg Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:52 pm

of course I can lay eggs Orwell, thats why I am so broody and moody, it hurts. Mad
Mrs Figg
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Law Talk - Page 3 Empty Re: Law Talk

Post by Wisey Banks Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:26 pm

A shocking vision,
Flares in my brain,
Please don't let me read
Mrs Figgs posts again!

Sean Penn, "Memories."

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