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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:15 pm

Odo Banks

I've never been on this particular Thread before. I hope to have a good time here. :mrgreen:


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:16 pm


Welcome to the forum, Odo! I hope you enjoy your time here and aren't too much of a spammer. Razz


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:16 pm

Odo Banks

Nice to meet you, sir. No,. I'm no spammer .. not exactly ... and I'm certainly no self-promoter!


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:17 pm


Now where have I seen you before? Anyway welcome to the forum, Odo!


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:17 pm

Mirabella Banks

Two Uncle Odo's perhaps? My goodness! Haven't we been here before? Surprised


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:18 pm

Gandalfs Beard

Odo, Odo, Odo... Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes



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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:18 pm

Odo Banks

To be or not to be, that is the question! :mrgreen:


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:19 pm


Though the meaning is to live or not to live, that is the question.


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:19 pm

Odo Banks

Let's compromise - to be alive, or not to be alive, that is the question! :ugeek:


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:20 pm


Damm you, ambiguous Shakespeare. Laughing


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:20 pm


'Is this an Odo I see before me? Satire point towards me? It leads me the way I was going, to the Hobbit Forum, and such a satire I was to use. No tis but an Odo of the mind! It is the bloody deeds upon PJ which thus informs my vision.'- um to paraphrase, a bit.


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:20 pm

Odo Banks

And since when, Mr Tyrant, did you become a weirdo?! Mad Plain talk, one would have thought, is the order of the day at Needlehole! :ugeek:


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:21 pm


Typical! Try to introduce a little bit of culture into some rustic backwater and what thanks do you get? None. Bloomin' rustics.


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:21 pm

Odo banks

We already have a "culture" here, thank you very much! If it aint broken....hmm?! Mad


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:21 pm


Yes I know, I think I trod in some of your culture on the way in! Does this place have a pub? And a boot-scraper?


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:22 pm

Odo banks

Don't think of it as cow dung, think of it as fertilizer! --- and we do have our own form of Buckie - we call it Duckie. (I won't tell you how it's made, but it's delicious! We drink at the Fowl and Muck, our local watering hole.


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:22 pm

'Barman! A barrel of Duckie and a Duckie chaser if you please! What do you mean you don't serve it in barrels? Fine 6 pints then, it's lunchtime.' Amazing when Odo said 'watering-hole' I thought it was a metaphor. Live and learn!


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:23 pm

Mirabella Banks

There is a saying in Needlehole, Petty sweetie-pumpkin! "It does not matter where you drink, it's the friends you drink with." Oh how true! (I don't recommend you to drink at the Fish and Pond btw! Too many visiting Russians and Romans hot to lay hands on hobbit lassies - and to them a kilt is a dress! :? )


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:23 pm

That would explain why I haven't had to pay for a single drink all night- I just thought the locals were friendly! Ahh well, if I get drunk enough.........


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:24 pm

Odo Banks

My goodness, you not only ignored Mirabella's advice, but seem to like where you're at - and what your doing! I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. I'm struck dumb! My voice is voiceless! My silence is profound! .... did I say I was speechless? Shocked


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:24 pm


The trouble is Mirabella, that I don't rate my friends... Laughing So I have to go somewhere decent, or my evening is ruined!


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:25 pm

Odo Banks

My mind boggles with possible interpretations of your last post, Ally - but nothing jells. Please explain! (Yes, I'm a bit slow - some suggest [i:1sm3guld]very[/i:1sm3guld] slow! Mad )


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:25 pm


I wouldn't want to go somewhere rubbish, with rubbish friends. Being a wee bit of a geek myself, I enjoy company of fellow geeks. But geeks don't want to rush out and to anything adventurous- so if I was to go out and get drunk ( I don't by the way) it would have to be with friends who I don't particularity like. So to chear myself up, I would go somewhere half decent. :mrgreen: Simple logic...!


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:26 pm

Well Ally I can't in all truth recommend the 'Fish and Pond' then, not unless your idea of fish and pond is something slimey living in mud. It does improve somewhat after 6 pints of Duckie however, and you do acquire rather a lot of new friends (albeit temporary ones) and they are all rubbish so that might suit you. You'd most likely be better off in the Fowl and Muck (it doesn't sound very hopeful admittedly) but if Mirabella drinks there, being a Banks, it must at least have a veneer of respectability to it. Something the Fish and Pond doesn't seem to even pretend to have. Oh and if you do drop by the Fish and Pond don't wear a skirt or any skirt like garment (Ummm but do wear something else! Shocked ). The amount of times Ive been asked to do the 'sporran trick' I think I may have strained something and it's starting to make my eyes water! 'Another 6 pints please barman/women, bearded hobbit, or whatever you are. I think I'm going to need them. No point turning up at Odo's place looking for somewhere to sleep unless I'm drunk enough. Clear a space on the floor Odo, so I can just fall down as soon as I get there. Oh and if you plan on sleeping don't leave anything around I can conceivably use as a musical instrument-you have been warned! Oh and you probably better have a few buckets to hand! This Duckie stuff goes in alright but it seems a bit uncertain about which end it wants to come back out :? '


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Howdy from Needlehole Empty Re: Howdy from Needlehole

Post by Pettytyrant Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:26 pm

Odo Banks

Look, I'm still as angry as a hornet - and I'm not really back here - but I have to say Mr Tyrant Laughing Laughing Laughing .


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