modern feminism?

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modern feminism? Empty modern feminism?

Post by halfwise Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:32 am

Okay, I want to understand something.  KFC pulled a racy twitter ad down in Australian recently:

The ad for the fast food chain in Australia depicts a man smiling down at his own crotch as his lady friend reaches toward the pixelated area below his waist.

"WARNING:" read the ad, which was posted to Twitter. "#NSFW. Something hot and spicy is coming soon..."

The ad was immediately criticized as everything from simply inappropriate to downright misogynistic. One critic even wrote that the ad had "set women back 50 years" according to Australian news site

The thing is, I think if the roles had been reversed, there may have been a similar response (men grabbing at women!!).  If not, there's a double standard.  If so, then it seems anything sexual is misogynistic so long as anyone makes the first move, which as I see it would set women even further back.

I'm not saying the ad was appropriate, just trying to understand how what might be seen as a normal first move between a couple ends up being labeled as a sexual power imbalance.

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by azriel Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:37 am

I think Halfy that you are gonna get half a dozen different responses to this Smile For me personally the fact that a woman can go all in, without fear & grab a guys crotch isnt appealing. Anyone I know doing that would have to be blind drunk & dared to do it. I dont like the idea that a man can touch me as a God given right, I dont care if its my arm, shoulder, whatever, I didnt ask, you didnt ask & I dont want you invading my aura so fook off. It makes me uncomfortable. In fact both scenarios make me uncomfortable be it a man or woman doing the grabbing, but thats just me Smile I think it might be because it to me cheapens 'Love'. What love should be. Crude or saucy remarks cheapen it also. I guess im an idiot for believing that real love is treasured & beautiful & anything you do is done in the light of pure love. But thats also cuz Im a ridiculous romantic but realistic to know its only in books or films Smile

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:59 am

{{{I was in a pub once (ok more than once) but anyway I was sat at this table with a group of folks when the girl next to me starts reaching under the table towards my kilt region no less Mad and having a right good rummage and a fondle about under the table. Shocked  Not only did she not say one word to me the entire time, she was too busy instead chatting merrily away with the person sitting on the other side of her- who was her boyfriend! Mad

I cant even imagine that scenario reversed assuming I got out the pub alive it'd be the police cell for the night and a court case in the morning for sexual harassment.}}}}

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by halfwise Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:25 pm

Are you arguing for or against wearing a kilt? Suspect

Okay, again I'm not saying the ad was at all appropriate - I'm just wondering why there seemed to be a sense that women in particular were being humiliated by it. The guy is looking surprised rather than entitled (you can look the picture up).

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:37 pm

{{{{It has to be said kilts do have an odd effect on the lassies! One of the most common things ot happen is groups of giggling lassies, especially if there is a drink involved (often as as kilts are most commonly worn these days at weddings and such social functions)- there is a tendency for them to try to lift the kilt and see if your a true Scotsman or not. Which sounds harmless, but to put it starker, women will try to lift your clothing and expose your genitals in public- and they will tell you its 'just a laugh' or that they've had a drink- imagine that in reverse - 'yeah yer Honour, I was lifting her skirt in public to see if she wearing any knickers, it was just a laugh and I was drunk at the time.'
I get a lot of low level sexism at work too- something heavy need moved? plug need wired? fuse need changed? tv on the blink and needs fixed? yup get me to do it, as I'm a man and therefore its automatically assumed al theses things fall within my skill set (they happen to as it turns out but that's not the bloody point! Mad ) Imagine if I refused to do anything domestic in the job on the basis its traditionally expected to be women's work not men's! And when I was younger, in my twenties mainly, I couldn't bend down at work in a care home without a comment, a nip, a  cheeky slap ect My experience of working in a traditionally female job is that when it comes to sexism they can only see it when its going in one direction.}}}}}

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Mrs Figg Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:26 pm

its not particularly sexist, its more sleazy, inappropriate and crude and assumes people are thick. its part of the modern fashion for sexualising EVERYTHING. Its repulsive. No
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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:41 pm

RIVER: Sexy.
DOCTOR: It's not sexy.
RIVER: Absolutely sexy.
DOCTOR: Why is everything sexy now?

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Mrs Figg Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:56 pm

er know...female Who characters. Suspect
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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by halfwise Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:58 pm

Good to have more feedback on the ad not being insulting specifically to women - more like women find it generally in poor taste. No real argument there.

Given the choice I'd rather be accused of being sleazy than sexist, which is why I was interested in finding out why a sleazy ad was called sexist.

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Mrs Figg Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:37 pm

I have no idea why it was called sexist, it makes both sexes look like twits.
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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:32 pm

er know...female Who characters.- Figg

{{{Wrong thread for that Figg Mad - however if you pop over to the Who thread, and I do hope you will, you may find grounds to regret having posted that! Twisted Evil }}}}

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Amarië Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:41 pm

Mrs Figg wrote:I have no idea why it was called sexist, it makes both sexes look like twits.

Yeah, that's what I thought too.
The add made the news here as well. Yey...

"One critic even wrote that the ad had "set women back 50 years"  "
Don't know about that, but it makes me expect a "....said the bride" joke.

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Amarië Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:49 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:er know...female Who characters.- Figg

{{{Wrong thread for that Figg  Mad - however if you pop over to the Who thread, and I do hope you will, you may find grounds to regret having posted that! Twisted Evil }}}}

I struggle to see how that would be true, but do give it a go. Nod

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Mrs Figg Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:42 pm

frankly I ain't touching the Who thread with a very long KFC willy.
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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Orwell Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:57 pm

Women and men are equal, but some are more equal than others... That is, some women are more equal than other women, and some men are more equal than other men... And some men are more equal than women, and some women are more equal than men... Err more equal intellectually, or skilled in their abilities... and some just don't have the various bits and pieces to even decide on any equilivilance (or relevance?) regards equality... Err.. I'm still confused... Crying or Very sad but sleaze is always good, but only if you like that kind of thing. Some sleaze, mind you, is just embarrassing...

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Mrs Figg Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:01 pm

fried chicken and sleaze make uncomfortable bedfellows.
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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Amarië Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:24 pm

Mrs Figg wrote:frankly I ain't touching the Who thread with a very long KFC willy.

I have the terrible notion they are launching Kentucky Fried Geoduck. There will bever be an add for that without the #NSFW tag....

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Mrs Figg Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:55 pm

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by David H Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:56 am

Amarië wrote: Kentucky Fried Geoduck.

modern feminism? Yummy

modern feminism? 1280px-Male_kodiak_bear_face  modern feminism? UJpDi modern feminism? Mumbea10
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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Orwell Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:41 pm

Very Happy

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modern feminism? Empty Re: modern feminism?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:29 pm

{{{{ cheers Orwell!! pub }}}}}

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