I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Mrs Figg
Forest Shepherd
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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by malickfan Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:16 pm

I can't decide whether this is one of the most bizzare attempts at trolling I have read, or one of the funniest examples of the fanbase taking things too seriously:


Alright, don't get me wrong; I love the LoTR trilogy and think they're fantastic movies. I've watched the trilogy countless times and with each viewing I notice something that I missed before. Most often, these are subtle flaws which give me pause and make me question what exactly the filmmakers were thinking. Would I call it nitpicking? Yes. And usually, if I have any trouble with an inconsistency or two, the scene where Legolas surfs down a flight of stairs on a shield (with fanfare blaring, no less) snaps me out of it and makes me realize, "Oh right, it's a movie. It doesn't need to make sense all the time." Nonetheless, on my last viewing of the Two Towers, the very foundation on which the trilogy stood was shaken, and not even Legolas surfing could absolve my doubts. Countless questions arose and there were no answers to be found.

*sigh*... I am, of course, referring to the "stew scene" in the Two Towers Extended.

To those of you who aren't familiar with this scene, it's where Eowyn (Miranda Otto) brings Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) a bowl of stew. Clearly, the stew is terrible, as Aragorn gives off the distinct expression of a man who just got kicked in the nuts after he takes a bite. It's apparently so bad, he tries to dump it on the ground when Eowyn isn't looking and burns his hand when she suddenly looks back. And then he explains about being a Dunedin and yadda, yadda, yadda... let's get back to the stew.

I get what this scene was trying to accomplish. The strong, independant woman who can't cook to save her life is a classic sitcom/movie trope. It's kind of like an episode of Three's Company where Chrissy or whoever goes to cooking school and Jack Tripper has to pretend her food doesn't taste like *beep* It's intended to be comedic relief, I get that. I really do. However, while it's amusing in passing and a seemingly benign scene, when subjected to close examination, it drastically alters your perception of these characters in such a way that there is no viewing LoTR without thinking about the stew. And trust me, there are no answers-- only more questions.

First, and foremost, the question that will first arise when you break this scene down: HOW THE HELL DO YOU *beep* UP A STEW? You have to actively try to make stew bad. I can barely make macaroni and cheese, but I can still toss some vegetables into broth and make a stew that your body won't reject. Perhaps not the greatest stew you've ever had, but if you were given the choice between a bottle of ipecac and a bowl of my stew, you'd grab a spoon and dig in.

No, you'd have to be completely brain-dead to make a stew so god-awful that it gets the reaction Aragorn gives in this movie. Or you'd have to be trying to make terrible stew. So is Eowyn so stupid that she manages to mess up stew? Nothing in her character up to this point or afterwards indicates this. Would she deliberately make bad stew and give it to Aragorn? Again, no, she's in love with him at that point, so she'd have no reason to do so.

So let's say she's not stupid, and she didn't plot to make terrible stew. What then? Let's postulate that she, as a sword-maiden or shield-bearer or whatever, never catered a meal before in her life, but tried her hand at cooking to impress Aragorn. THEN WHY DIDN'T SHE TASTE IT FIRST? This is stew we're talking about, not a cake or a quiche. You can taste a bit of it without ruining the presentation. Furthermore, she's trying to impress this guy. You'd think she'd want to give him a meal that was fit for a dog, at the very least.

So maybe she tasted it, realized it was awful, and gave it to him anyway because she was already committed to the stew she made? That's like dropping the anniversary card you bought for your wife in cow *beep* and giving it to her anyway because you already paid for it. Or did she not taste it at all? Again, it's stew. If I was making stew for some friends or a girl I was trying to impress, I'd at least taste a bit to make sure my throat wasn't going to close up. Did she delude herself into thinking the stew wasn't really that bad? Considering Aragorn's reaction, she'd have to be certifiably insane to stoop to that level of self-deception. Perhaps she's never actually eaten food, and therefore doesn't know what's good or bad? Well, if she were played by Calista Flockhart there could be an argument made for that, but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she has the normal bodily needs and functions of a human being. No, none of these possibilities-- stupid, insane, intentionally bad stew-maker, non-eater-- fit Eowyn's character.

This got me to thinking (by this point the battle scene with the Worg Riders was going on), perhaps she has no sense of taste or smell. Well, the movie doesn't address that. She never smells any flowers, recoils from a stench, or does anything that would indicate or exclude the ability to smell to my recollection. This is a distinct possibility, but it alters the character drastically, and if that were the case you'd think the filmmakers would have a addressed it or mentioned it in passing. It's not as if she was blind or deaf, but it would alter my perception of the character knowing she could not smell or taste. Regardless, there is no indication of this being the case, so the viewer is forced to find other avenues for a solution to the "stew" question.

So maybe the stew wasn't that bad. Maybe Aragorn is just a picky eater. But NO, that doesn't make sense either-- HE'S A FREAKING RANGER! He's the Middle Earth's equivalent of a survivalist. You're telling me this guy who has probably eaten bugs to survive cringes at the prospect of taking another bite of this stew? My God, how bad could it possibly be? What did she put in it, dog feces? But no, we know it's not just Aragorn because Gimli takes a whiff of the stew earlier in the scene and passes on it. Gimli. The same Gimli who licks his chops at the prospect of salted pork drenched in reservoir water. EVEN GIMLI THINKS THIS STEW IS TERRIBLE!

At this point, I couldn't even focus on the movie-- when Gimli breaks the news of Aragorn's apparent death to Eowyn, all I could think was: "Yeah, but what about the stew?" Everything came back to the questions the "stew scene" raised. I'd even go so far as to say that the stew became the most enigmatic character in this movie. Could it really be that bad? What was in it? Was that a potato or a dumpling he put into his mouth? Was the broth bad, or was it just the chunk Aragorn ate? Were the utensils to blame and not the stew itself? What would Gollum's reaction have been to the stew? Are there any other scenes I missed that try to make sense of this stew, that put things back in perspective? Questions, questions, questions... and not an answer in sight.

After Aragorn comes back to Helm's Deep, there's a scene where Eowyn is lying on a couch and they have a bit of dialogue with each other. This struck me as a missed opportunity to resolve the questions surrounding the stew. Maybe she could have asked if he wanted some stew, and he could have paused and asked her recipe, and THEN I'D KNOW IF THE STEW WAS REALLY BAD ENOUGH TO CAUSE A MAN WHO POSSIBLY EATS INSECTS TO PHYSICALLY REJECT IT! Nothing. Not one mention of the stew.

In fact, this was the second of two stew scenes in the extended edition of Two Towers, the first where Sam makes stew out of the rabbits Gollum brings him and Frodo. It seems like they were trying to set up a stew-based subplot, but Eowyn's stew was so terrible, so heinous, that all stew as we knew it disappeared from Middle Earth. Yes, I've checked. After the stew-heavy middle of Two Towers Extended, stew is never referenced, mentioned, or shown again. All questions surrounding this stew are left unresolved and the viewer who dares to ponder the stew is left sadly unsatisfied.

I simply cannot see the movies in the same light anymore. It all comes back to questions about the stew. I've played the scene in slow-motion, reverse, and set it on endless loop to try to gauge the characters' reactions to make some light of this scene and its ramifications on the plot and characters, and still, nothing. Only more questions which the rest of the movie stalwartly refuses to answer.

The Thorin: An Unexpected Rewrite December 2012 (I was on the money apparently)
The Tauriel: Desolation of Canon December 2013 (Accurate again!)
The Sod-it! : Battling my Indifference December 2014 (You know what they say, third time's the charm)

Well, that was worth the wait wasn't it  Suspect

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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by azriel Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:09 pm

If its trolling, its done in an eloquent way Very Happy Tho, I would like to know what the holy heck was in that bowl myself ? I mean, did the catering team have a laugh at Viggo's expense ? Theoretically they could have thrown anything in that bowl ? No

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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Th_cat%20blink_zpsesmrb2cl

I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Jean-b11
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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by malickfan Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:22 pm

azriel wrote:If its trolling, its done in an eloquent way Very Happy  Tho, I would like to know what the holy heck was in that bowl myself ? I mean, did the catering team have a laugh at Viggo's expense ? Theoretically they could have thrown anything in that bowl ? No

I'm an awful cook myself, but that is one of the few scenes from the EE I remember clearly (haven't watched the films in 3-5 years I think), I wouldn't be surprised if it were a prank, Mortensen as a method actor would probably be very hard to put off.

I don't know what was in that soup, and from the post above, I'm not sure I would like to pale

The Thorin: An Unexpected Rewrite December 2012 (I was on the money apparently)
The Tauriel: Desolation of Canon December 2013 (Accurate again!)
The Sod-it! : Battling my Indifference December 2014 (You know what they say, third time's the charm)

Well, that was worth the wait wasn't it  Suspect

I think what comes out of a pig's rear end is more akin to what Peejers has given us-Azriel 20/9/2014

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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by Elthir Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:57 pm

It is clearly a much larger metaphor with the 'stew' as story and Tolkien as cook... versus Jackson. That is, this person is saying that Jackson makes such unpalatable stew that he must try to burn your hand time and again in hopes that you (the eater) might not notice the taste.

Or not.

I mean I didn't really read it all.
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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by Eldorion Wed Dec 17, 2014 5:02 pm

I see nothing inaccurate in that post.
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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by Forest Shepherd Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:31 pm

I love it. It certainly explains why the stew scene didn't make it to the theatrical release. Half of their test audience probably wrote down questions about the stew for the entirety of their responses!

For the sake of conjecture, perhaps... No it couldn't be a kind of meat that Aragorn could not stand the taste of, as he had been in Rohan before and knew its culture.
Yeah, it's a conundrum. This question should be one of the 20 that Jackson promised to answer.

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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by Mrs Figg Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:13 pm

this is on a par with the infamous grass length and green Lothlorien debacles, love it.
Mrs Figg
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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by Sinister71 Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:42 am

Mrs Figg wrote:this is on a par with the infamous grass length and green Lothlorien debacles, love it.
slap laugh slap laugh slap laugh slap laugh

well you know what they say, "If you can't say anything nice, Don't say anything at all"

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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by halfwise Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:53 pm

I call it sheer brilliance.

Clearly the script writers were going for an easy laugh and a depiction of the relationship between the two characters, which it does an okay job with. They didn't bother to think it through in depth.

But I think the post did miss something: that was soup, not stew.  Soup is broth based, and as the reduction process tends to highlight or mute various aspects of food, can indeed be messed up easily.  I've done it.  My girlfriend at the time dutifully polished off the entire bowl before announcing that she hated it.  That wins high marks.

Last edited by halfwise on Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by malickfan Sun Dec 21, 2014 5:57 pm

Mrs Figg wrote:this is on a par with the infamous grass length and green Lothlorien debacles, love it.


The Thorin: An Unexpected Rewrite December 2012 (I was on the money apparently)
The Tauriel: Desolation of Canon December 2013 (Accurate again!)
The Sod-it! : Battling my Indifference December 2014 (You know what they say, third time's the charm)

Well, that was worth the wait wasn't it  Suspect

I think what comes out of a pig's rear end is more akin to what Peejers has given us-Azriel 20/9/2014

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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by RA Fri Dec 26, 2014 7:48 am

Mrs Figg wrote:this is on a par with the infamous grass length and green Lothlorien debacles, love it.
Good times back in Bree. I wish that stuff was archived somewhere and not in oblivion

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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by Lancebloke Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:15 pm

That brings me to a question actually... Sam was full blown in the middle of cooking his stew when they got caught. Are there any scenes later on of him using the cooking equipment, if so when did they go back and get it?
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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:19 pm

They definitely dont go back and get it- but we see Sam chuck his pans and pots down the crevice in Mordor later. Shrugging

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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by Lancebloke Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:21 pm

Mysteries! Maybe Faramir let them go back and get it? Maybe he wanted some of the stew? Maybe there was a subplot that would have resulted in Eowyn giving Faramir stew when they hooked up, him rejecting it and getting Sam to come back and teach her.... it must have been really good stew for them to specifically go back to get it all after that battle.
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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by malickfan Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:24 pm

Lancebloke wrote:Mysteries! Maybe Faramir let them go back and get it? Maybe he wanted some of the stew? Maybe there was a subplot that would have resulted in Eowyn giving Faramir stew when they hooked up, him rejecting it and getting Sam to come back and teach her.... it must have been really good stew for them to specifically go back to get it all after that battle.

I now have a weird image of Faramir and co sitting round the campfire with Guitars telling ghost stories...

The Thorin: An Unexpected Rewrite December 2012 (I was on the money apparently)
The Tauriel: Desolation of Canon December 2013 (Accurate again!)
The Sod-it! : Battling my Indifference December 2014 (You know what they say, third time's the charm)

Well, that was worth the wait wasn't it  Suspect

I think what comes out of a pig's rear end is more akin to what Peejers has given us-Azriel 20/9/2014

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I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE Empty Re: I think Petty has a rival in the 'over thinking every change from the book department'-a...interesting take on the 'Stew Scene' from Two Towers EE

Post by Lancebloke Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:26 pm

Well.... could have happened... we just dont know anything other than what we can see. The rest we have to make up.
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