The Lay of Leithian

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The Lay of Leithian - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lay of Leithian

Post by Elthir Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:29 pm

jon wrote: @ Elthir - Rochben will be referring to one of the folk of Rohan or their predecessors in the North. There are no centaurs in Middle-earth. Tolkien found all-things Mediterranean to be somewhat abhorrent. He was concerned exclusively with the north.

I stand corrected Jon, and cede my current position to you. I shall become vagabond and towerless, surviving by the very grass of occasional behorsings.

But yet...

... in Grey-elven the form pen, mutated ben, survived as a pronoun, and rochben meant 'rider' (male or female), just as in orodben 'a mountaineer' or 'one living in the mountains', and arphen 'a noble.'

But these words are all noted in the same paragraph in Tolkien's Quendi and Eldar, The War of the Jools.

This cannot be mere coincidence!

Tolkien knew and befriended CS Lewis, and CS Lewis wrote about a Centaur, while Elvish roch + pen is arguably more literally 'horse person'. And...

'Their next visit was a pleasanter one. As they came lower down, the mountains opened out into a great glen or wooded gorge with a swift river running at the bottom. The open places near the river's edge were a mass of foxgloves and wild roses and the air was buzzing with bees. Here Trufflehunter called again, 'Glenstorm! Glenstorm!' and after a pause Caspian heard the sound of hoofs. It grew louder till the valley trembled and at last, breaking and trampling the thickets, there came in sight the noblest creatures that Caspian had yet seen, the great Centaur Glenstorm and his three sons. His flanks were glossy chestnut and the beard that covered his broad chest was goldenred. He was a prophet and a star-gazer and knew what they had come about.'

Prince Caspian, chapter six

So on second thought I defy my sousting [self-ousting]! I repudiate me [well the recent me]! Plus I just bought a new coffee maker for the tower, and I don't even drink coffee, so it has to stay!
Sharrasi's prentice

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The Lay of Leithian - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lay of Leithian

Post by jon Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:36 pm

Right. Fair enough!

'I would draw some of the great tales in fullness, and leave many only placed in the scheme, and sketched.  The cycles should be linked to a majestic whole, and yet leave scope for other minds and hands, wielding paint and music and drama...'

-J.R.R. Tolkien,  The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1981), no. 131

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Location : a dry, bare sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat.

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The Lay of Leithian - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lay of Leithian

Post by Mrs Figg Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:16 pm

Elthir cant leave the Tower. He gives me a danger-button everytime I dust the top of the library bookcases, you never know whats lurking up there.  pale 
Mrs Figg
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The Lay of Leithian - Page 3 Empty Re: The Lay of Leithian

Post by David H Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:21 pm

Elthir wrote: I shall become vagabond and towerless, surviving by the very grass of occasional behorsings.

But yet...

... in Grey-elven the form pen, mutated ben, survived as a pronoun, and rochben meant 'rider' (male or female), just as in orodben 'a mountaineer' or 'one living in the mountains', and arphen 'a noble.'

But these words are all noted in the same paragraph in Tolkien's Quendi and Eldar, The War of the Jools.

This cannot be mere coincidence!

Tolkien knew and befriended CS Lewis, and CS Lewis wrote about a Centaur, while Elvish roch + pen is arguably more literally 'horse person'. And...

Is being befriended anything like being behorsed, either physically or linguistically? study  scratch 
David H
David H
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