Galadriel and her husband

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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Elthir Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:07 pm

halfwise wrote:I'm not very good at them, but other people telporno jokes all the time.


Thank you Telpunno!
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Mrs Figg Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:26 pm

The Yew tree explains the hallucinations the jus is very poisonous on open wounds.  Shocked

The yew loses gaseous toxins (taxine) on hot days. Taxine is a poison that is in some instances capable of causing hallucinations. This has some similarities with the story that Odin had an revelation (the wisdom of the runes) after having been hanging from the tree for nine days.

Ring a bell?  pale 
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by feanor 1999 Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:51 pm


I was always saddened at the way that Celeborns character doesn't seem to have any role or importance other than being Galadriel's 'Mate' and as having wanted a natter with Gandy when the latter was plummetting down the abyss in Moria. Talk about a To(L)k(i)en character...And folks go on about the less than perfect role that the female has in all of The profs writing...

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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Elthir Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:20 pm

Mrs Figg wrote:The Yew tree explains the hallucinations the jus is very poisonous on open wounds.  Shocked

The yew loses gaseous toxins (taxine) on hot days. Taxine is a poison that is in some instances capable of causing hallucinations. This has some similarities with the story that Odin had an revelation (the wisdom of the runes) after having been hanging from the tree for nine days.

Ring a bell?  pale 

Great stuff Mrs Figg. Thank Yew  Very Happy 

You know, it seemed to be the same day that I both fell into the Yew, and later somehow made it to the earth below; but maybe not. I mean, I had no grey horse to help me down anyway...

... and how many legs did this horse have, I wonder? I never stopped to count!

Buckie and toxins?

No wonder I'm still hallucinating! And where did Sweden's King go? I mean one would guess Sweden, but I've no idea really.
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:30 pm

"I was always saddened at the way that Celeborns character doesn't seem to have any role or importance other than being Galadriel's 'Mate'"- feanor

I guess he is more a behind the scenes or of guy, but it is ood especially as Galadriel gives him a pretty big intro calling him the wisest living elf, though I cant remember the exact wording, but thats what it amounts to.
Were the gifts not choosen by him though? I cant remember.  drunken 

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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Elthir Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:53 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote: Were the gifts not choosen by him though? I cant remember.  drunken 

Galadriel calls Celeborn: '... a giver of gifts beyond the power of kings' and he furnished the Company with boats, and later some Elves bring 'many gifts' of food and clothing for the journey.

Later Galadriel states that she has brought gifts from both the Lord and Lady of the Galadhrim: the 'gift of Celeborn and Galadriel' to Aragorn is the sheath for Anduril; and of course Galadriel gives him the Elessar moments later. Boromir was given a belt of gold; Merry and Pippin received silver belts with a clasp like a golden flower. Legolas was given a great bow and a quiver of arrows.

To Sam Galadriel gave a box of earth from her orchard, blessed by her and later revealed to also contain a mallorn seed [a nut with a silver shale]. Although generally these gifts are from the Lord and Lady, this gift seems  [to me] to be more specifically 'from' Galadriel -- as well as Frodo's phial, considering that to Frodo Artanis said: 'For you I have prepared this...'

And it seems that no gift was earlier prepared for Gimli, as he is asked to name something he desires: and of course his gift of three golden hairs is especially Nerwendian, as well as the words that go with this gift.

Not that you didn't know what the gifts were of course... I'm just looking at them again, for the thread  Very Happy
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by feanor 1999 Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:06 pm

Nerwendian... ?

Nerd-wendian if you ask me...  study This is getting all too 'Big Bang Theory' for me !!

You got Celeborns description as the wisest of Elves right Jason, but the mean use of this character is really strange. But he seems to have more porpoise within the Silmarillion, being more involved presumably with events surrounding the Nauglamir and Gwirth-I-Mirdain... And having escaped Beleriands sinking during the war of wrath with Galadriel, it would seem that once Lothlorien was established, that was it for him, poor bugger.

So knowing full well what Sauron was capable of, especially on the subject rings of power and his shapeshifting abilities, he presumably was the most 'clued-up' on Sauron and his whiles, but that function seems to have been literally eclipsed by the Lady Galadriel... And certainly in all the Movies so far. Maybe he'll get an outing in TABA as an auxiliary character in the BO5A as I think they plan to show 'the battle under the trees' from LOTR as something to pad film 3 out. It hardly matters if it's added or alluded to now, isn't it LOL ??

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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Elthir Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:47 pm

feanor 1999 wrote: But he seems to have more porpoise within the Silmarillion, being more involved presumably with events surrounding the Nauglamir and Gwirth-I-Mirdain... And having escaped Beleriands sinking during the war of wrath with Galadriel, it would seem that once Lothlorien was established, that was it for him, poor bugger.

'Presumably' would seem to be key here. I would have to check, but off the top of my skull I'm not sure Celeborn is actually noted anywhere in the Quenta Silmarillion as written by JRRT. And the edited Silmarillion barely mentions what he does or where he possibly isn't doing something, outside of him being 'of Doriath'.

Of course there are other Telpornian sources here, but not relatively much.

As for Galadriel escaping Beleriand we seemingly have two internal [published by author] suggestions; or at least The Lord of the Rings itself suggests that Galadriel herself passed over 'some' mountains before The Fall of Nargothrond, and The Road Goes Ever On suggest that she, now with Celeborn, passed over the Blue Mountains and into Eregion sometime after the Fall of Morgoth.

My dance step to reconcile these things should not be confused with what Tolkien actually published -- not that anyone is, but I might be giving off precious Yew-toxins to potential readers of this thread.

Linguistic pedantry alert: it's Gwaith-i-Mírdain [Jewel Smiths of the Second Age in Eregion] rather than Gwirth, which I'm guessing employs the same word as in Tawarwaith 'Wood-people, Silvan-Elves' for example.

'Gwirth' is rather the sound that occurs when you pull a chipmunk out of a vacuum cleaner tube.

I think.
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Mrs Figg Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:07 pm

Elthir wrote:

'Gwirth' is rather the sound that occurs when you pull a chipmunk out of a vacuum cleaner tube.

I think.

hmmm that Tower of Lore is looking more like the Tower of Barad-dùr by the minute.
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by David H Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:22 am

Mrs Figg wrote:
Elthir wrote:

'Gwirth' is rather the sound that occurs when you pull a chipmunk out of a vacuum cleaner tube.

I think.

hmmm that Tower of Lore is looking more like the Tower of Barad-dùr by the minute.

I know an industrial welding shop that has a rat cannon.
It's a lo-o-ong tube which, when filled with oxy-acetylene and ignited, can launch a dead rat over a quarter mile, or so they say.  

I believe the sound is closer to Khazad-DUM!!! though.  bom

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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Mrs Figg Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:34 pm

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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by feanor 1999 Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:15 pm

So, As I said, Nerd-wendian.

But at the end of the day, century or Age, is Celeborn, 'The wisest Elf in Middle Earth' (sic) being demoted to a mere porter or conduit to provide gifts, however anticipated in advance by the Elvish remnants in ME, a worthy task for an Elf with his Pedigree ? They could have had Galadriel (my Niece, of course) do that on her own without a Husband at all. It's almost a waste of Ink...

'“Utúlie’n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie’n aurë!'
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Elthir Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:34 pm

Mrs Figg wrote:
Elthir wrote:

'Gwirth' is rather the sound that occurs when you pull a chipmunk out of a vacuum cleaner tube.

I think.

hmmm that Tower of Lore is looking more like the Tower of Barad-dùr by the minute.

But I saved a chipmunk from certain or possible death!

I didn't put it in the tube, it 'chose' to stick its head in rather... well, slightly influenced by not wanting to play with my cat...

... but he don't listen much to me about such things [the cat I mean].
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by David H Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:45 pm

Next time that happens, Elthir, just plug the other end of the hose into the vacuum discharge port. The chipmunk will be elegantly launched like a tennis ball from serving machine. I guarantee your cat will love the game! Very Happy

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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by azriel Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:28 pm

"I know an industrial welding shop that has a rat cannon.
It's a lo-o-ong tube which, when filled with oxy-acetylene and ignited, can launch a dead rat over a quarter mile, or so they say.  

I believe the sound is closer to Khazad-DUM!!! though.  Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Bom"...Dave,
 hee hee hee !  Laughing

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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by feanor 1999 Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:16 am


'“Utúlie’n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie’n aurë!'
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Elthir Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:50 pm

Okay, odd question... recently been posting "comments" on a blog called "sweating to Mordor" since the author has a number of Galadriel based essays...

... so obviously I cannot resist...

... anyway, at first my comment shows up (for me anyway) with a note "awaiting moderation", but now all three have vanished.

So are my comments being deleted, or are they possibly going to appear again, after moderation?

In short: how do this blogging thing work?
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Elthir Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:13 pm

By the way, yes I was a bit critical, but nicely critical in my opinion. For example the guy kept quoting that Tolkien wrote, at the end of Quenta Silmarillion, that Galadriel was "unwilling" to leave Middle-earth, and thus this conflicts with his later ban on Galadriel introduced in The Road Goes Ever On.

Never happened. Christopher Tolkien edited Galadriel in here, and the part about those "unwilling" to forsake Middle-earth was written before she existed -- although she was unwilling in a sense in any case, given that she replied to the ban that she refused to return anyway.

But still.
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Elthir Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:26 pm

I also admit my first "comment" was a bit longish. If that one vanishes forever it wouldn't be the worst thing!

Itaril-y bad idea -- Mrs Figg
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Eldorion Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:50 pm

Regarding the comments on this blog, I believe* it depends if you are viewing them in the same browser on the same device and that your cookies were not deleted.  If all three are the case, then your comments should continue to appear to you unless they were deleted.  If one or more of those conditions changed, then it might only mean that they weren't approved yet.  I've had bloggers refuse to approve critical but otherwise polite comments before though so it's possible that's the case here.

*I could be wrong though; I don't regularly post comments on blogs. Hurr durr
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Elthir Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:28 pm

Thanks Eldo!

And yes I tried to resist. I don't normally comment on blogs, but again this was an external history dealing with Galadriel.

I... couldn't... stop! Smile
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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by halfwise Sun Aug 16, 2015 7:56 pm

Getting back to the question of Celeborn's status (and feeling out-classed by previous chipmunk ruminations) I think I may have an apt parallel from our present day.

Julia Child married a spy master who more or less showed her the world.  He pushed her to explore her fascination with food, and as her talents both as a cookbook author and then a TV chef blossomed, he melted into the quiet presence behind the scenes, lending support to his more famous wife.

I don't recall if the film Julia and Julia gave him full credit as the dashing figure he undoubtably must have been, but it takes a particular strength to fade from clearly the leading partner to a supporting role.  Perhaps we can see Celeborn this way.

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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Forest Shepherd Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:04 pm

So... basically Galadriel is Meryl Streep but in a blond wig? Razz

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Galadriel and her husband - Page 7 Empty Re: Galadriel and her husband

Post by Eldorion Mon Aug 17, 2015 4:47 am

It depends in part on which version of the story you go with, but I don't think it's clear that Celeborn was ever the leading partner. If you take the Celeborn-as-Sinda route, then Galadriel was already kicking all sorts of ass during Feanor's rebellion (in some versions more literally than others) and had firsthand experience of Aman that Celeborn never could have. If you take the Celeborn-as-Teler route, then they probably start off on more equal footing. Though in either event, we know so little about Celeborn that it's impossible to say what his own accomplishments prior to meeting Galadriel were, so he may have been doing more than I give him credit for. I do think that in most versions Galadriel goes to live with Celeborn's people rather than vice versa (either Sindar or Teleri), for whatever that's worth.
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