The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Eldorion Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:22 pm

Norc wrote:well, I guess your tower wasn't big enough this year, Eldo Shrugging

Nah, Elthir's had the Best Lore award on lockdown ever since he got here. I'm glad to have him, though. Very Happy

He'd better not try to steal my tower though. Mad
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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Ringdrotten Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:22 pm

Norc wrote:well, I guess your tower wasn't big enough this year, Eldo Shrugging

The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Snare

“The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want for nothing. He makes me lie down in the green pastures. He greases up my head with oil. He gives me kung-fu in the face of my enemies. Amen”. - Tom Cullen

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:23 pm

heres little me in my red carpet frock, but if you think I shouldnt take the award?

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Kafria Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:23 pm

Does this mean I get a raise this year?

Cheek of it... No you don't....pulling money away from where it is really needed....

Lets just say I won't let the femenist protestors know where the barrel is at the mo... after all the answer to this question..

Who couldn't love the paper that brought us Hobbit Lass of the Day?

would be them

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Norc Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:24 pm

Elthir sure is a blessing. If we're ever in need for any exact info we just ask and he finds it, without is needing to go out to the interwebz and ask the many doubtufl loremasters out there Very Happy

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:24 pm

Forumshire is a small place, there are bigger sites out there, there are more prominent hobbit sites out there, but I will tell you what there isnt out there, there isnt a better group of people in one place on this whole smelly oily planet than right here in Forumshire.
Finding someone new, someone who joins in the Forumshire fun, who embrace the madness and silliness is a great pleasure evertime.
But which of the brave souls who have joined our little communityin the last 12 months will be crowned Best Newcomer?

Let find out!

And the Best Newcomer is......Norc!!!

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Norc Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:24 pm

Ringdrotten wrote:
Norc wrote:well, I guess your tower wasn't big enough this year, Eldo Shrugging

The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Snare

I love u.

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:24 pm

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Eldorion Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:25 pm

Kafria wrote:Cheek of it... No you don't....pulling money away from where it is really needed....

Lets just say I won't let the femenist protestors know where the barrel is at the mo... after all the answer to this question..

would be them

Yeees, I still remember you trying to ban NotP! Some job creator our Mayor is! Mad
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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Ringdrotten Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:25 pm

Norc wrote:
I love u.

Everything for our best newcomer Kissing

“The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want for nothing. He makes me lie down in the green pastures. He greases up my head with oil. He gives me kung-fu in the face of my enemies. Amen”. - Tom Cullen

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Eldorion Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:25 pm

Congratulations on taking Best Newcomer, Norc! You were a shoo-in as far as I'm concerned. cheers
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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by RA Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:26 pm

Way to go, Norc cheers

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by RA Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:26 pm

Way to go, Norc cheers

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Norc Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:27 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:
And the Best Newcomer is......Norc!!!

The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Tumblr_mg87ofIEtG1rapfswo3_250

omg... i am overwhelmed!! I'de almost forgot I was a newcomer Razz I'll I can say really is wow, thanks for having me and

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:27 pm

Of all the awards of the night there is only one that really matters. Only one that really counts or has any great meaning. That award is of course Most Crabbit. And if I dont win there will be bloody trouble! Twisted Evil

And the award goes to of corse. What the hell did you expect? And quite right too although I feel this award should be a lot bigger than the others, that'd only be right and proper given its importance.

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Ally Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:28 pm

Poor CC :'(
But highfive Nora!


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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Norc Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:28 pm

Eldorion wrote:You were a shoo-in as far as I'm concerned. cheers

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i didn't make the awards last year Sad

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Eldorion Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:29 pm

Well done, Petty. I eagerly await all the crabbit meltdowns and explosions over the next year of Hobbit news. lol!
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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:29 pm

Mrs Figg
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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Eldorion Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:29 pm

Norc wrote:i didn't make the awards last year Sad

That was only because you joined after the nominations were already in. Having had a year to bask in your presence, though... cheers
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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by RA Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:29 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote: And quite right too although I feel this award should be a lot bigger than the others, that'd only be right and proper given its importance.

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Norc Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:30 pm

Ally wrote:Poor CC :'(
But highfive Nora!

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:30 pm

Forumshire is of course an inventive place and along the way some unique features of Forumshire have arisen. from sectret messages to Queen Tins buckie cellars which deivce/phrase or meme has done it for you.

The winner is......encryption brackets!!

Forumshire's secret services will be pleased.

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

A Green And Pleasant Land

Compiled and annotated by Eldy.

- get your copy here for a limited period- free*

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Norc Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:30 pm

Eldorion wrote:
Norc wrote:i didn't make the awards last year Sad

That was only because you joined after the nominations were already in. Having had a year to bask in your presence, though... cheers

oh yeah Cool

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The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie - Page 5 Empty Re: The 2012 Forumshire Awards sponsored by NotP and Buckie

Post by Eldorion Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:31 pm

If only everyone could remember who is and isn't able to break encryptions. Mad

{{{Love you all! Very Happy}}}
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