Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by CC12 35 Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:18 pm

is this game compatible with kinect

it's not that serious Caroline
CC12 35
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by chris63 Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:58 am

I went to a diskenect. Danced my legs off.

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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:38 am

I really hate that 80 million dollar lawsuits take so long. Hasn't been an update with the Tolkien Estate lawsuit and the countersuit since March.

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by CC12 35 Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:26 pm

will we b able to play as tauriel

it's not that serious Caroline
CC12 35
CC12 35
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:05 pm

Yes, just make her look the same in the character creation then call her Tauriel. Very Happy
(Then get a mod that disables all the games physics to play as her)

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:16 pm

Update cheers 

"MERP Fans, we call for your support one final time. A last concerted effort to raise awareness and combat the C&D sent by Warner Bros.

We are planning a concentrated letter campaign to show WB just how many people care, so we have written up a legally-informed letter that everyone who cares can print out, write out by hand or email to Warner Brothers and pressure them into at least picking up negotiations with us.
Bear in mind that a hand-written letter is worth a thousand emails. They are not simply ignorable, at least someone has to open the envelope and read the first line, rather than blocking the subject.

Our Letter:


Dear Warner Bros,

This letter is in reference to the C&D (Cease and Desist) that was sent to the MERP (Middle Earth Roleplaying Project) modification for Skyrim by Warner Bros (WB) Entertainment.

In case you are unaware what MERP is, MERP is a non-profit, total conversion modification of Bethesda Softworks' single-player PC game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, created by fans of Tolkien's works. It was a project that was set to create Middle Earth, from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, in an open-world Roleplaying aspect. MERP has been around since The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and just recently moved its resources to the Skyrim engine. It was a massive undertaking that was years in the making, worked on by dozens of individuals over the years.

I am writing to say that I am very displeased that WB has chosen to shut down this great project. For such a project that seeks no economic gain of any kind, with years of people's lives poured into it, to be given a C&D seems incredibly unfair. This is a project that in no way seeks competition with Warner Bros Entertainment's game department, nor their rights to make games based off of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. I believe it is also fair use, as the amount of copyrighted material in relation to original content that was supposed to appear in the mod would have been minimal. MERP is a project that only seeks to create an immersive RPG game experience for Tolkien fans; the game was created as a transformative work under Fair Use laws in the United States, and as the court ruled in Lenz v. Universal Music Corp, "fair use is a lawful use of copyright."

The MERP team has posted that they have asked WB to discuss this matter and work out a way for the project to go forward with continued development. While they haven't discussed with the public the state of any such discussions, since the project has not continued development, it seems clear that they feel they cannot do so because of the C&D letter, which causes a chilling effect to all fans who want to create transformative works. Even though MERP can and should be able to go forward with the project, the demand by WB makes it impossible for them to do so.

I would like to hope that if WB (along with the Tolkien Estate and Saul Zaentz Company) are not willing to rescind the C&D, they should at least give the MERP parameters that would allow them to feel comfortable to go forward with the project that they are legally entitled to move forward with under Fair Use, and if that is not possible, perhaps they are willing to grant a limited license to the MERP to use the names, characters, etc from Tolkien's mythos. They are a talented group of individuals that take Tolkien's works very seriously and would not make a work in mockery to the author.

I do hope that whoever is reading this will pass this up to Warner Brothers Entertainment's legal department. I refuse to buy any products licensed by WB until either the C&D is lifted or you at least consider making a fair deal with the MERP team.

- [Your name goes here]

By all means change the final paragraph to indicate your standing on the situation. If you feel that you'll only consider non-LotR products, then change it.
And a list of addresses... the more you can send to, the better.

Warner House
98 Theobalds Rd, London

4000 Warner Boulevard
Burbank, CA 91522, United States
+1 818-954-6000

Please share any other addresses you come across and we'll update this post.

A final note: PLEASE keep this in good taste, we do not want to offend anyone so do not add anything malicious that would give them a definitive reason to stamp us out for good.

Thank-you for your support through all this, we understand how frustrating it is not knowing what's going on. There are backup plans should this fall through that you'll hear about in good time should the day arise.

-The MERP Team"

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by CC12 35 Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:37 pm

if i support wb should i send letter 2 merp team or

it's not that serious Caroline
CC12 35
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:16 am

If you support WB, buy their games. Rolling Eyes

Last edited by Recoveryanonymous on Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:18 am; edited 1 time in total

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by CC12 35 Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:18 am

did they make animal crossing btw

it's not that serious Caroline
CC12 35
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:19 am

No. Animal Crossing is good.

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by CC12 35 Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:20 am

yeah it is good. the new one is very good

it's not that serious Caroline
CC12 35
CC12 35
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:24 am

Yes. Smile
Letter writing time for me.

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:38 am

I made a video about the letter writing campaign to help spread the word about Merp a little more.

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:46 pm

OwenYulefield made a video about the letter writing campaign too. Very Happy 

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:41 pm

Breaking news. A judge has allowed Warner Brothers to pursue its counter suit against the Tolkien Estate. The motion to dismiss was denied.

"The judge also says that although the other side might argue that Warners has dressed up a challenge to exploitation into "repudiation," that term appropriately characterizes the claim that the Tolkien estate has "revoked rights it already granted."

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:44 pm

They aint wining any friends here ole Warner Bro. Evil or Very Mad 

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:17 pm

Guys, its over.
Merp's gone.

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:19 pm

Hello MERP Fans:

Over the past year and a half, we have been through a lot. The port, bugs in Skyrim, and then the C&D (with over a year of campaigns, negotiations, and attrition). We have asked you to trust us with the small amount of information we have given you to work with. But now, the situation has changed and we feel it is time for more transparency concerning the state of things. So we will start with a review of the past year.

After we received the C&D in June of 2012, we had extensive discussions concerning our next course of action. We contacted WB and negotiated as far as we could. We started a petition and contacted people we thought might be able to help. We did, in fact, discuss subjects such as going underground or simply changing project names. But as we delved into the specifics, we didn't want to risk putting ourselves, each other, or our loved ones at risk of a huge ordeal. And the degree of transformation it would have taken to avoid infringement was far greater than most of us were willing to do. And of course we called on you for help. Many of you answered. And through all this, by some kind of miracle, the team held together for months. However, the petition and negotiations only got us as far as a list of unreasonable terms that would have stripped MERP of its high standard of quality. After negotiations, things began to go downhill as we searched for alternatives. The letter campaign came into being as the team began to slowly erode. Then, one more thing happened to accelerate the change taking place.

After almost a year of searching for a way to bring back MERP, the people over at Dark Creations discovered a new Skyrim large world bug, one embedded in the hard coded areas of the game that no one yet has been able to fix. This bug causes activators (doors and chests), magic, ranged combat, and many other aspects to no longer function beyond a set area of a map (the central area between 64 and -64 cells along both the x and y axis). Basically, worlds much larger than Skyrim's are impossible. MERP's map is nearly ten times the size of Skyrim and the -64/64 area isn't even wide enough for Rohan to fit. This bug, combined with the team's dispersion, difficulties with model import, the weight of the C&D, and the lack of success with the various campaigns has brought us to this point. Even if the C&D were lifted, MERP cannot continue. There would be hardly a shell left of it. Many key members have left over the year and much else has changed. The heightmap, one of the gems of our mod, couldn't be used without being mangled almost beyond recognition (for copyright reasons). And so, with heavy hearts, we announce that we have come to the end of MERP's journey.

Over the past year, you have fought with us and been patient . You have trusted us when we were silent and listened when we spoke. Many of you have done what you could to help us. And for that we would like to thank you. You're a wonderful group of fans and have been very supportive. Many of us have labored on this project for years and we have not come to this choice lightly. We said we wanted to make a representation of Middle Earth Tolkien would be proud of and we meant it. And as that is no longer possible (for a variety of reasons), we have decided this is the best choice for us to make.

However, as one fan pointed out, the end of MERP is not the end. The end can bring a new beginning and a new project can be born out of this. Many of us have worked on MERP for many years (I myself for five, others for longer). There are those of us who didn't want for our work to be entirely in vain. And there are many of us who have found a love for creation and development. To that end, many have moved onto new projects. Some have asked not to be named, but two have allowed me to make mention: Noirdesir, one of our best landscapers, and Ztree, one of our best and most enthusiastic modelers, have moved on to Hoddminir, an epic mod project for Skyrim by Elinen that you should definitely take notice of.

But there are others of us who have stayed together to work on something new. We have formed a new team, called Epoch Games, and have begun development on a new project based around an original IP of our conception. This new project is called "Lays of Althas: Sundered Order", a single-player, open-world, fantasy RPG set in an original universe. This new project, which is being developed using the CryENGINE 3 Free SDK, shares with MERP its ambition and dedication to depth of lore, story, game mechanics, and immersion in a vast world.

And so with this, MERP has reached the end of its long voyage. We hope that other modders/developers, at a time when it is possible, will take up the torch and pursue the vision we strived for, that someday an open world RPG for Middle Earth can be realized. Until then, all we can offer is the small comfort of certain assets which have been released by their creators, such as the Gondorian Armor by BGS and the LOTR weapons created by tomato. Think of them as memorials to our efforts and to the talent of our members, past and present.

Finally, having said all of this, I encourage you to follow other LOTR projects and Skyrim projects such as Hoddminir and join us at Epoch Games as we begin a new journey with "Lays of Althas: Sundered Order."

- Nuvendil, speaking representative for the MERP Team

Below is a list of all the various MERP Team Leaders, from beginning to end. Their ambition helped bring MERP through hard times and guided it to what it became.

The Founder, "The Grey Wizard"
"Large Jack"

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:26 pm

A sad day.

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

A Green And Pleasant Land

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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by Eldorion Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:43 pm


Sorry to hear about this, RA.
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:30 am

In a way, I felt it was my duty to try and help. I guess it just wasn't enough in the end.
Though I think Merp has shown that the demand for a real open world Middle Earth RPG that's accurate to the lore is definitely there. Maybe in a few years after Warner Brothers' license has expired, another project can try again.
I still hope the Tolkien Estate wins the lawsuit though. Wink  I couldn't save Merp, but I can still remember it.

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by David H Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:56 am

I'm not a gamer, but I was really rooting for this. I was telling everybody who might be slightly interested that they needed to check it out and sign, whether their interest was Tolkien, Gaming, or Free Speech.

Sadly the corporate giants seem to win more than their share of these battles, but it was a good fight while it lasted!
David H
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by RA Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:47 pm

WB certainly wastes no time when it comes to money.
"open world mission design."
So after all that, they're copying Merp. Well, I really hope they lose the lawsuit and are prevented from releasing this.

"No one knows what the new day shall bring him" -Aragorn T.A. 3019 March 4th
Save Merp for 2013!
25,000 and counting. 12-23-12
"From him they learnt many things it were not good for any but the great Valar to know, for being half-comprehended such deep hidden things slay happiness; and besides many of the sayings of Melko were cunning lies or were but partly true, and the Noldoli ceased to sing, and their viols fell silent upon the hill of Kôr, for their hearts grew somewhat older as their lore grew deeper and their desires more swollen, and the books of their wisdom were multiplied as the leaves of the forest."

Remember Merp - July 11th, 2013
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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:58 pm

Except it will probably be shit.
Monolith did Guardians of ME- making them a perfect match for Pj- they do to Tolkien in games what PJ does to him on film! Evil or Very Mad 

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

A Green And Pleasant Land

Compiled and annotated by Eldy.

- get your copy here for a limited period- free*


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Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim) - Page 6 Empty Re: Middle Earth Roleplaying Project (total conversion mod for Skyrim)

Post by Eldorion Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:06 pm

I still want a Guardians of Middle-earth/Street Fighter crossover game. Very Happy
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