Norc wants a custom title

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title for little Norc here :) ?

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Norc wants a custom title Voting100%Norc wants a custom title Voting10 0% 
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Norc wants a custom title Voting100%Norc wants a custom title Voting10 0% 
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Norc wants a custom title Voting100%Norc wants a custom title Voting10 0% 
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Norc wants a custom title Voting1025%Norc wants a custom title Voting10 25% 
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Total Votes : 4
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Norc wants a custom title Empty Norc wants a custom title

Post by Norc Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:23 pm

.. but has trouble deciding which among all the .. creativ suggestions. So I made a poll Razz it's open for 30 days.

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Norc wants a custom title Empty Re: Norc wants a custom title

Post by Amarië Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:28 pm

I am torn between The Barefoot Viking, Gif.ted and Steine Hakke Peise Tullat. Shrugging

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Norc wants a custom title Empty Re: Norc wants a custom title

Post by Mrs Figg Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:27 pm

I like Svalfart Sherlock natch. Razz
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Norc wants a custom title Empty Re: Norc wants a custom title

Post by Norc Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:47 pm

I kind of fancy gif.ted Razz it kind of.. fits.. Embarassed but the other ones are quite good too. Steine Hakke Peise Tullat is quite suitable too. so hard to decide...
Norc wants a custom title Tumblr_lygg8ci2Vn1r681r3

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Norc wants a custom title Empty Re: Norc wants a custom title

Post by Eldorion Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:47 am

From the options given I had to vote for Gif.ted Very Happy Your latest GIF sealed the deal for me. Nod
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Norc wants a custom title Empty Re: Norc wants a custom title

Post by chris63 Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:06 am

Gif-ted for me too, dat ass, very funny.

Don't no how to do gifs on i-mac. Anyone no ?

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Norc wants a custom title Empty Re: Norc wants a custom title

Post by Amarië Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:58 am

Laughing Yeah, that removed all doubt, I voted Gif.ted too!

One does not simply woke into Mordor.
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Norc wants a custom title Empty Re: Norc wants a custom title

Post by Norc Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:01 am

chris63 wrote:Gif-ted for me too, dat ass, very funny.

Don't no how to do gifs on i-mac. Anyone no ?

I have actually tested ut out and explained it all to you on a different thread. It's really simple.

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Norc wants a custom title Empty Re: Norc wants a custom title

Post by Norc Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:11 am

why would anyone choose gif.ted.. xP
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Norc wants a custom title Empty Re: Norc wants a custom title

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:35 am

Yup queen of the gifs so gif.ted for me too.

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