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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Wisey Banks Sun May 27, 2012 10:52 am

I, of course, have always known
how Sweet and Sharp is Ally,
whether flying over Somerset
or the dryland Ozzhobbit Mallee!

Her eye is keen - both of them! Very Happy -
her lips exude a mist profound,
and her smile - slightly ambiguous -
would light Heaven! - and what a lovely noun!

Her legs are carved in Poet's Language,
Her lips taste of the richest liquor ---
This I but assume, for these lips have never
touched her lips - yet! oh how my heart does flicker

at the thought! But all I have's her photo,
Gorgeous Ally! Princess Delectable!
(I would say how my body yearns for her,
but let's keep this thing Respectable!)

Oh such a quick mind, resplendant
with Wisdom, and Art beyond her years!
I sit, wallowing in my Love of Her,
while growing old; filled with tears!

"An Ode for Ally So Fine" - by William Wordsworth (if only he had have had of Crying or Very sad )

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Mrs Figg Sun May 27, 2012 12:23 pm

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun May 27, 2012 8:15 pm

Like fine wine Wisey's channeling only improves with age. cheers

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Ally Sun May 27, 2012 9:36 pm

Needhole Town
In Needlehole, and there's no one around
No one from Europe, not a soul around
No one from America, not a soul around
To show me the path to the fair Needlehole Town

I rode in on a steed, fair and fine
I sat atop, magisterially riding
All manner of beasts a'hiding
To Needlehole Town I was a'gliding

Along the path, no friendly faces did I see
Alas, no one, except my horse looking at me
As if the day could get no worse
I found no river to quench my thirst.

In the dark a man a'stood
hovering amongst the trees
I walked over and asked
"The way to Needlehole Town, please?"

He lit a candle and away we went
a mossy slope we did go a'down
I wondered if the man was good at geography;
and asked: "Is this the way to Needlehole town?"

"Obviously! How did you get so lost?" he retorted
"But I do love the look of you and your horse!"
We both blushed, not used to being courted
I said "Am I dreaming?" and he said "Of course!"
and on we went to Needlehole Town.

(((The legend goes that the girl who wrote this had a strange dream featuring her favourite poet, and just had to write it down! Glad she did! Nod Rolling Eyes
Possibly slightly based on this...and inspired by this great cover I found on youtube! Again, thanks for all the poems Wisey!!)))

Last edited by Ally on Sun May 27, 2012 9:41 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I'm still not very good at spelling & life & stuff.)


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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Mrs Figg Sun May 27, 2012 9:59 pm

hurrah channelin! Respectability - Page 6 Slider_wizard_sparklies
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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun May 27, 2012 10:38 pm

Its like a banquet only with words that ryhmne! cheers
At this rate we shall need to be starting a Collected Works of Ally to sit alongside the Collected Works of Wisey in the Forumshire Archives. Nod

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Wisey Banks Sun May 27, 2012 11:43 pm

I sat upon the peppermint grass
but words of my heart
could not be masked
by Encryption Spell

or any other Forumshire subterfuge.
I thought of her vital lips
(Methinks! hued in subtle rouge! I love you )

and contemplated the fine
circumference of her Rhyme;

"Oh Blessed Eru Iluvatar" I cried (inside)
- as I laid back then, on peppermint grass -
"Ally is the very Lass of Mine Own Heart,
Verily I name her, 'Channeler' (First Class!)


Wisey Banks in A Dream He Forgot all About Until he Channeled it (and was Surprised).

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by odo banks Mon May 28, 2012 12:13 am

{{{{Dear Ally,

I have received an urgent text via mini-palantir. Wisey tells me you have been inspired and influenced by - and possibly may have ever-so-slightly-plagiarized - some song an Old Cooter (who looks remarkably similarly aged to Wisey -and almost as Hippiezized! Shocked ) in a certain Rather Lovely Poem of Yours.

This of course is a terribly reprenhensible crime - especially when employing the Arcane Art of Channeling (Mind you, this is all coming from Wisey, "Channelin'' being all so much twaddle to me! Rolling Eyes )

Anyhow, if you are indeed Gulity of the forementioned crime - and it being such a reprensible practice - Wisey tells Me, to tell You, to NEVER EVER ADMIT YOU'RE DOING IT! No

yours Helpfully,
Odo R. Banks, esquire}}}

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Little Loki Panic Mon May 28, 2012 12:44 am

dangerous channelin' - if only

If only I had a spell,
as such,
that would turn wisey
into a much younger Lad -
brawny to touch -

still with 'Channelin' mind, mind!
with which to lure
that hobbit lass of Poetic bent
behind the bushes -
with vastly impure intent!

yes, He might lure that lass
behind said bushes when they met -
and i could post palantiri photos
on the internet....

Twisted Evil

I count the corpses on my left, I find I'm not so tidy
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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Wisey Banks Mon May 28, 2012 12:53 am

Oh Sweet Blessed Eru
how can it be so
that a respectable channeler
can verily know

of many things o' beauty
but crassness too
as if they could be both Divine
and Darkly embued?

Or cool, serene, pure,
but hot, lusty, and gropy -
fast action, dead still,
Live Action but --- entropy!

A Paradox -
or but a spark of My
Basic Animal Nature?
Am I both Smart and Stupid
Both Good and Bad? -
or is it merely
(a case)
of Nomenclature?

"The Heart of Gilt Edged Darkness' - in Reaction to, or Correspondence with, 'Danderous channelin' by Little Loki Panic: P.B. Shelley (shortly after he drownded - extracted from his last electrical brain pulses)

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Wisey Banks Mon May 28, 2012 1:19 am

Oh Sweet Eru!
the penny dropped!
the Heart of Channelin'

channelin -
that Mystery! -
is indeed made up
of Three ---

the physical

the free

and (of course)

what's truly beyond Me!

how simple
how plain
how humdrum

how glad I am
to see the mist
desist -
thus revealed:
the sun


Edward Lear: "A poem I almost wrote but my quill was at the repair shop."

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Ally Wed May 30, 2012 9:47 pm

odo banks wrote:{{{{Dear Ally,

I have received an urgent text via mini-palantir. Wisey tells me you have been inspired and influenced by - and possibly may have ever-so-slightly-plagiarized - some song an Old Cooter (who looks remarkably similarly aged to Wisey -and almost as Hippiezized! Shocked ) in a certain Rather Lovely Poem of Yours.

This of course is a terribly reprenhensible crime - especially when employing the Arcane Art of Channeling (Mind you, this is all coming from Wisey, "Channelin'' being all so much twaddle to me! Rolling Eyes )

Anyhow, if you are indeed Gulity of the forementioned crime - and it being such a reprensible practice - Wisey tells Me, to tell You, to NEVER EVER ADMIT YOU'RE DOING IT! No

yours Helpfully,
Odo R. Banks, esquire}}}

Just doing a Dylan Wink


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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Orwell Thu May 31, 2012 11:15 am

Hee hee hee ... good one, Centurion! Laughing

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Ally Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:40 pm

I'm sick of being treated like an adult who can make her own decisions; but please explain that one. It's gone completely over my head.


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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:17 pm

Its a Life of Brian qoute Ally.

And at 18 you are an adult- think yourself lucky couple hundred years ago youd have been working in mine at 8- married at 12 and have 3 kids by now. Actually take the work and marriage out of that and not much has changed in the world!!

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

A Green And Pleasant Land

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by David H Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:33 pm

It's the dungeon scene in Life of Brian. Here it is:


CENTURION: Pilate wants to see you!



BRIAN: Pilate? What does he want to see me for?

CENTURION: I think he wants to know which way up you want to be crucified.

BEN: Oh, ha ha ha haa! Ha haa! Nice one, Centurion. Like it. Like it.


BEN: Right. Right. Terrific race, the Romans. Terrific.

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Ally Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:00 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:Its a Life of Brian qoute Ally.

And at 18 you are an adult- think yourself lucky couple hundred years ago youd have been working in mine at 8- married at 12 and have 3 kids by now. Actually take the work and marriage out of that and not much has changed in the world!!

I obviously wasn't very responsive to that line! I don't know about working in a mine bit though- I like to imagine I was some sort of Austen's heroine! Maybe a bit like Catherine Morland, though knowing my luck, Henry would probably perish in some sort of freak accident, the day after the marriage! Though I guess being a happy miner's wife beats being an unhappy upperclass widow I don't even know why I'm thinking about this, Lol...


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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Wisey Banks Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:32 am

does boadicea
or curved bo derek
hide behind
the esoteric?
for one
know what you do
paint in yellow
feel in blue

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Ally Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:34 am

Have you noticed how you type dumber things on a phone than you would, on say, a computer


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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Orwell Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:55 am

I do! cheers I do! :carrot:

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:25 pm

I'm old fashioned enough to use a phone for talking, not writing! Mad Only thing I type into a phone is the number I'm dialling. I dont approve of mobiles- they make me crabbit. Mad

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Ally Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:24 pm

But say you are away from a computer? It's like everyone thinks you're lying in a ditch so then you have to make a joke about being in a ditch to bluff youre way pi of trouble

(Im not in a ditch)

Posted from a phone


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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Ally Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:25 pm

Spelling so sorry my love


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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by David H Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:49 pm

When I'm not on a computer I probably am in a ditch.
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Respectability - Page 6 Empty Re: Respectability

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:03 am

Me too, but maybe not for the same reasons. drunken

I dont want to be contactable 24/7, if I want to talk to someone I will, if they need to get in touch leave me a message on line, I'm on most of the time (even when I'm not here Shocked ). What I don't want is a phone ringing regardless of where I am or what I'm doing. And yes you can ignore it, but then you still feel complelled to check and see who it was, then you worry it might have been important (never is) then you get stressed.
Bollocks to that. Life was once more much better the day I threw mine in the bin. cheers I heartily recoomend it.

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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