The Archive is down

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The Archive is down Empty The Archive is down

Post by Eldorion Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:50 am

Earlier today I tried to access the archive that Taz has been hosting for us but it was taken down. I tried looking at it again and it appears to have been wiped clean. I found Taz on Bree-land's chat server and asked him what was up and he said that the Archive had been taken down because "it was the old version of phpbb and has exploits" but that he plans on putting it back online with the latest version of phpBB "at some point in the next few weeks". I don't know if this will actually happen in that time frame or if it will be pushed back.

However, Taz also send me a copy of the archive forum data which I've been holding onto (and which a few other people also have back-ups of, just to be safe). Someone I know IRL offered to give me some web space to host the archive back when we first got it and it would probably be simple enough to do the same thing now. However, the archive would be hosted on a completely different site, owned by this person, which is not connected with any Hobbit forums or blogs.

Before investing the time and energy involved in putting phpBB on a server and figuring out how exactly to migrate all the old posts and accounts I wanted to ask what you guys think. Should we move ahead with hosting the archive on our own (and ultimately having two versions of it when Taz gets the other back online)? Should we wait for Taz, or at least give him those few weeks he mentioned? I guess it depends on how important it is to everyone to have a copy of the archive up and running right now, although I don't know how long it would take me to get a version online.

If you guys want I will do my best to post it (assuming the offer for web space still stands). Let me know how you feel. Smile
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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Amarië Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:33 am

If that is what you truly want and believe is best, then go for it. I am sure Taz wouldn't mind getting more free space on his server. But is it really the smartest move?

I don't know who these other people are and what they can offer besides storage space. But with Taz your archives are safe, protected and I assume backed up regularly along with his other stuff (like his baby Planet Tolkien), and he apparently also updates to safer versions. This benefits him and you, and it doesn't cost you Shirefolks time or money.

He won't be spamming your inbox with maintenance notices, and I am sure there will be more scares like this. What I have learned is that there is never any real reason to worry. If you ask him a question he will reply. If you have trouble reaching him, you can always ask me and I'll do what I can to help.

And of course it is smart to keep your own backups, backups are never wrong.

(And I should probably leave this discussion now. But I thought perhaps my perspective could be useful.)

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:55 pm

Lets give Taz the benefit of the doubt Eldo. We have backups so we have options should we have to take matters into our own hands- but if Taz said it would take a few weeks to sort we should give him the time first.

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Eldorion Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:43 pm

You don't have to leave the discussion at all, Amarie. Smile You raise some good points and I'm very grateful to Taz for hosting the archive in the generous manner in which he has. I also like having it still be on the original site in some way. If you guys are cool with giving Taz some time to get it back online, that's good for me. I'm not entirely sure what needs to be updated since the archive was closed to new posting anyway, but he was very nice and willing to explain when I talked to him so I'm willing to give him that time.

And yes, I'm really glad we have backups. That's another thing to be grateful to Taz for: he sent us the data with no questions asked. Smile
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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Amarië Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:36 pm

I assume from what you said in the first post that the update will plug some security holes and such. Outdated software can be a nasty Achilles' heel.

You don't have to leave the discussion at all, Amarie. Smile
Awww... I love you I'll just sit here quietly in the corner then and try not the meddle. I'm sure that will last for about.. oh... 10 seconds.

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Eldorion Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:11 pm

As far as I'm concerned you're as much a member of Forumshire as anyone else. I wouldn't want anyone to have to keep quiet here, especially not over something like being a member of another forum (even the Dark Planet Razz). That's antithetical to the idea of a free spirits' forum. Very Happy
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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Orwell Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:03 am

As I see it Amarie just can't be trusted, but that doesn't preclude her from being a Forumshiran, Eldo. Very Happy We have all types here even Dark Planet Ambassadors. Rolling Eyes The air is truly free here (to a point).

If it's just a matter of protecting what is ours by the contribution of a small fee like last time, let me know. I'll talk to my backers.

Btw are we just about due to cough up some more sheckles for the Annual Fee we paid last time?

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Eldorion Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:12 am

The domain name and ad-free status come up for renewal in June. We're going to need between US$35 and $40 for the next 12 months after that. A number of people expressed an interest in donating last summer but only three members actually did (you know who you are). Contributions are happily accepted at any time, though I was planning on having a donation drive in May or June. This community is very important to me and I put quite a bit of time into both participating and making sure it keeps running. I'm happy to help foot the bill, which isn't terribly big, but every little bit of financial assistance is greatly appreciated. Smile

As for the archive, I believe Taz when he says it will be up again, though I don't know if his time estimates are generally reliable or not. If we have to find the archive a new server I'm pretty sure I can borrow some space without needing to pay for it, but I'll keep you guys updated if it comes to that. The really cool thing about Forumotion is that they cover all the hosting expenses, whereas uploading the archive necessitates owning our own web space, which is more expensive and comes with monthly charges (that's why I like being able to share space with an existing site like Taz is letting us do).
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The Archive is down Empty archive

Post by leelee Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:34 am

Amarië wrote:If that is what you truly want and believe is best, then go for it. I am sure Taz wouldn't mind getting more free space on his server. But is it really the smartest move?

I don't know who these other people are and what they can offer besides storage space. But with Taz your archives are safe, protected and I assume backed up regularly along with his other stuff (like his baby Planet Tolkien), and he apparently also updates to safer versions. This benefits him and you, and it doesn't cost you Shirefolks time or money.

He won't be spamming your inbox with maintenance notices, and I am sure there will be more scares like this. What I have learned is that there is never any real reason to worry. If you ask him a question he will reply. If you have trouble reaching him, you can always ask me and I'll do what I can to help.

And of course it is smart to keep your own backups, backups are never wrong.

(And I should probably leave this discussion now. But I thought perhaps my perspective could be useful.)

In my years with Planet Tolkien I have found Taz to be in your face honest, trustworthy and he goes out of his way to help. If he said he would do something, then he will. From experience I have found he usually gets back to me with the help fairly quickly, i have only had to wait once. And, if Am says a thing you can trust it as money in the bank. I say the same thing Eldo about you , because i believe it to be true. IT is your site and you should do as you feel best, but i think what Am says is right.
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The Archive is down Empty archive

Post by leelee Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:36 am

Orwell wrote:As I see it Amarie just can't be trusted, but that doesn't preclude her from being a Forumshiran, Eldo. Very Happy We have all types here even Dark Planet Ambassadors. Rolling Eyes The air is truly free here (to a point).

If it's just a matter of protecting what is ours by the contribution of a small fee like last time, let me know. I'll talk to my backers.

Btw are we just about due to cough up some more sheckles for the Annual Fee we paid last time?

I did not know we were supposed to pay an annual fee, though it makes sense , how much do we pay and how are we to do it. Do you own your own private bank, do you have a secretary that can be trusted counting out your denari daily?
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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Eldorion Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:42 am

You don't have to pay anything, Leelee! We have a donation page that works with PayPal but that's completely voluntary for each member of Forumshire. I think Orwell was referring to the fee that is charged to the site as a whole. Smile
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The Archive is down Empty archive

Post by leelee Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:15 am

Well as my late father always said if anyone whined about having to help around the house, help with dishes " You live here don't you, you eat here, you sleep here, so...what do you think?)
As long as our contributions don't go to Pay Petty and Orwell I am good with it. Laughing
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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Eldorion Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:19 am

Thank you very much, Leelee! I'm afraid no one gets paid for their time on this site. Razz

If you want to help out then the donation link is Paypal is probably the simplest and easiest way to pay. Thank you again; I really appreciate your willingness to contribute to the upkeep of our community. Smile
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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:20 am

I'm afraid no one gets paid for their time on this site.- Eldo

Lets not be too hasty dismissing a potentialy good idea here Eldo!

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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The Archive is down Empty archive

Post by leelee Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:31 am

Eldorion wrote:Thank you very much, Leelee! I'm afraid no one gets paid for their time on this site. Razz

If you want to help out then the donation link is Paypal is probably the simplest and easiest way to pay. Thank you again; I really appreciate your willingness to contribute to the upkeep of our community. Smile

i will get right on it Eldo. And what I meant is instead of Paypal, Paypetty or PayOrwell. It would only go to buy buckie for Petty and a new body for Orwell( jenny craig or something) paypal is the way to go! HEY THERE ARE SEVEN USERS ONLINE. SORT OF LIKE A CONVENTION WITHOUT THE CONVENTION. WOW.!
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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Orwell Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:36 am

leelee wrote:
Orwell wrote:As I see it Amarie just can't be trusted, but that doesn't preclude her from being a Forumshiran, Eldo. Very Happy We have all types here even Dark Planet Ambassadors. Rolling Eyes The air is truly free here (to a point).

If it's just a matter of protecting what is ours by the contribution of a small fee like last time, let me know. I'll talk to my backers.

Btw are we just about due to cough up some more sheckles for the Annual Fee we paid last time?

I did not know we were supposed to pay an annual fee, though it makes sense , how much do we pay and how are we to do it. Do you own your own private bank, do you have a secretary that can be trusted counting out your denari daily?

I trust Eldo without hesitation. Very Happy

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Amarië Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:00 am

And you guys don't have to trust me, I suppose I can settle for worship and fear. Shrugging

One does not simply woke into Mordor.
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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Orwell Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:02 pm


‘The streets of Forumshire must be Dominated!’
Quoted from the Needleholeburg Address of Moderator General, Upholder of Values, Hobbit at the top of Town, Orwell, while glittering like gold.
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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Amarië Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:11 pm

Orwell wrote: affraid

Something like that. Nod

One does not simply woke into Mordor.
-Mrs Figg

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Ringdrotten Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:21 pm

I shamefully admit that I was among those who were going to pay, but didn't Embarassed I simply forgot. I've made a Paypal account now, though, and I've transferred some money to it so I'll donate whenever the money has reached its destination Smile

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:15 pm

Careful now Ringdortten! One thing to have a small deposit in your sporran quite another to tell others its there! Shocked
And never forget fior all his seeming liberal tendencies Eldo is still an American and therefore greed and avarast flow naturally in his blood. Nod

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Amarië Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:08 pm

... said the Scotsman.

One does not simply woke into Mordor.
-Mrs Figg

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:28 pm

Hey! Scots are not greedy we are, careful. Got to watch the pennies- and first rule is if you have any don't tell anyone! The Archive is down 1918643206
That's why we keep our sporrans where noone would want to reach and grab them.

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Amarië Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:55 pm

I'm a Sunnmøring, we're the sort of the Scots of Norway. But we wouldn't wear our money, we pretend we don't have any. Nod

One does not simply woke into Mordor.
-Mrs Figg

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The Archive is down Empty Re: The Archive is down

Post by Eldorion Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:59 pm

If it makes anyone (Petty) feel better, donating using the site's native donation tool gives "credits" that can only be used towards upgrading the site. I don't have direct access to the money.

Also, the first donation got processed and went through! I don't know if people who donate want to be public about it so I'll keep specifics to PMs unless anyone wants to post about it themselves. Thank you very much, though. Kissing
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