The 2010 Official Forumshire Awards

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The 2010 Official Forumshire Awards - Page 2 Empty Re: The 2010 Official Forumshire Awards

Post by Elthir Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:28 pm

Is it 2010 again?

My how time flies... seems to loop... and fly again!

Itaril-y bad idea -- Mrs Figg
Sharrasi's prentice

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The 2010 Official Forumshire Awards - Page 2 Empty Re: The 2010 Official Forumshire Awards

Post by Bluebottle Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:35 pm

"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning."

“We're doomed,” he says, casually. “There's no question about that. But it's OK to be doomed because then you can just enjoy your life."
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The 2010 Official Forumshire Awards - Page 2 Empty Re: The 2010 Official Forumshire Awards

Post by Bluebottle Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:07 pm

malickfan wrote:
Bluebottle wrote:"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning."

What's that from, Game of Thrones?


Though these big fantasy series are quite easy to mix up.

“We're doomed,” he says, casually. “There's no question about that. But it's OK to be doomed because then you can just enjoy your life."
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Age : 38

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