Everytime I log into this site…

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Everytime I log into this site… Empty Everytime I log into this site…

Post by davidjoneshoward Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:25 am

Everytime I log onto this site it takes about 15 minutes and then the legend resets so that it says "No New Posts [Popular]" any way you can fix this? It's a bit annoying.

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Everytime I log into this site… Empty Re: Everytime I log into this site…

Post by Eldorion Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:42 am

Generally this only happens to me if I pause and don't do anything on the forum (eg, loading new pages) for a while. It is as far as I know just part of the way phpBB works by default. I know there are mods that change this but unfortunately because I can't use any of those because when I started this forum at 16 I didn't have the money to host it myself, so I don't have access to the forum's code or the FTP space or stuff like that.
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Everytime I log into this site… Empty Re: Everytime I log into this site…

Post by David H Fri Mar 25, 2016 4:56 pm

I can post again for the moment. cheers For the last month or so I've occasionally have trouble accessing the site, and once I get on I'm unable to post. All the boxes and buttons are there, but when I hit Preview or Send I'm told it's the operation took too long and has timed out, even if it only took 2 seconds to post a Mad ( Mad Mad Mad ) Anybody else having problems?

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David H
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Everytime I log into this site… Empty Re: Everytime I log into this site…

Post by halfwise Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:07 pm

sometimes happens, but nothing is lost. Just hit send again.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Everytime I log into this site… Empty Re: Everytime I log into this site…

Post by David H Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:22 pm

When I get the white screen everything I've typed is lost, so I've learned to hit Ctrl C and hold a copy before I hit Send. Then I'll try to send it again several times and maybe half the time it works and half the time the whole site will become unavailable. Then it will sometimes be 12 hours or more till I can post, even though all my other favorite sites are working.
I don't know scratch

Everytime I log into this site… 1280px-Male_kodiak_bear_face  Everytime I log into this site… UJpDi Everytime I log into this site… Mumbea10
David H
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Everytime I log into this site… Empty Re: Everytime I log into this site…

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:25 pm

{{I have suffered this happening on two past occasion David- sadly I have no idea what caused it and equally no idea about why it stopped happening. So not much help save perhaps to offer the hope that, whatever it is, seems to resolve itself after a while.}}}

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Everytime I log into this site… Empty Re: Everytime I log into this site…

Post by Elthir Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:26 pm

Happened to me recently David... "timed out?"... might as well say "toast burned!"... but then I posted more quickly and "timed in".

Or something.

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Everytime I log into this site… Empty Re: Everytime I log into this site…

Post by Eldorion Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:31 pm

Hasn't happened to me recently but it sounds like the servers have just been slow (that's usually what timed out means -- the server didn't respond in time) and eventually the browser gives up trying to submit the post. I have noticed the site being sluggish at times recently, even though it hasn't cost me any posts yet. Unfortunately it's hard for us, not being aware of the server's status at any given moment, to say when it will happen or how long it will last.
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